Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 There were so many thoughts entering my mind , everything from looking back to my car accident to thinking about how hard I have been training . ’
2 Personally I would like to see a gradient profile included in later editions and perhaps also an index , though possibly these opinions reflect my own prejudices .
3 I shivered as more silent terrors gripped my soul .
4 Although racial prejudice is a part of the theme of man 's inhumanity to man , there are also other points to support my view , the most significant being the plight of Boo Radley .
5 It took me about three hours to do my homework so I was very tired after everything .
6 It took me about ten days to work my way into it , after that I found it very acceptable .
7 Trailers , commercials , even turgid travelogues whet my appetite exactly as intended , and the sight of the MGM lion , the Pearly Dean Gates or even the Pathe cockerel gives the quiet hum of anticipation one usually associates with meditating monks .
8 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
9 How many birds did my true love send to me on the twelfth day of Christmas ?
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