Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] to be " in BNC.

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1 It 's a rather annoying question to be asked , especially while you 're engaged in the onerous task of tuning your keyboards .
2 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
3 The most outstanding dog to be produced in Holland is surely Mr G. Kuijpers Int .
4 This was predictable , not only because of natural human frailty , but also because , despite Allen 's initial hopes , there was in fact little political purpose to be served by adopting the absolutist position .
5 As more Disability Arts Forums emerge and the involvement of disabled people and non-disabled allies increases , this is the most rapidly shifting and most exciting time to be working towards this aim .
6 The State Paper Office was architecturally the most interesting building to be demolished to make way for the present Foreign Office .
7 The apathy of the people towards unemployment was one of the things that caused so little notice to be taken of it .
8 This is an exceedingly exciting time to be joining N C V O. I took over from at the beginning of September , nineteen ninety-one , with the reorganisation , thankfully fully , in place , and a clear strategic plan to fulfil our role as the voice of the voluntary sector .
9 We then went on to Sydenham and Lewisham and looked that , and erm the general feeling was the Walter Segal houses were not of a sufficiently high standard to be satisfactory for people on our housing waiting list .
10 They being always of sufficiently high quality to be intellectually and culturally developing and stimulating and justify potential of accreditation .
11 Usually it is reasonable to presume that ( if the parties had considered the eventuality that the contract would become impossible or illegal to perform ) , they would have intended all further performance to be excused .
12 The Corpus of Knowledge has been updated in the intervening period , but it was clear that the insertion of the UK into Europe with free movement of labour , required a much broader view to be taken of the hospitality manager .
13 This serves to ensure moderation and contain political conflict to manageable proportions , and it also sustains the legitimacy of the system of rule so enabling law to be enforced with only limited policing .
14 We plan four or five new productions a year — there 's no chance for people to say bad things , because they have to show extremely high professionalism to be able to on stage very often , to learn fast , to be prepared to replace a colleague ’ — there are two or three casts for everything , even Khovanshchina — ‘ and to spend time with the company . ’
15 With so much land to be disposed of , it was hard to make them put up with anything less than freehold tenure , and so it was almost impossible for the proprietors to make very much out of their estates .
16 As this new year begins , there 's so much work to be done …
17 When the Council was wound up in 1982 , being replaced by the Secondary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee , there was so much work to be done on the curriculum and the examination of it in the years of compulsory school that consideration of the sixth-form curriculum lapsed into comparative inertia .
18 Despite the promise of great ornithological rewards if he stayed , Gould found it immensely difficult to remain inactive while there was so much work to be done .
19 It , we never sort of slackened off at all and in those days there was so much brass to be cleaned and scrubbing to be done and cleaning .
20 So much enrichment to be had and that 's all that 's offered them .
21 But so much gallantry to be squandered with so little hope !
22 Clearly there is so much ground to be covered , particularly on the engineering and operational sides , when a large transport aircraft is involved that you will need several investigators working at the same time .
23 I do so want you to learn , my dear , ’ and , turning away , she half whispered , ‘ There is so much pleasure , so much pleasure to be gained by the informed . ’
24 There is not so much advocacy to be done ; much of the work is non-litigious ( such as drafting documents and advising on title ) , and the cases that do get into court tend to turn upon technicalities of company law , taxation , property and wills , or upon questions of company finance , rather than upon controversial questions of fact .
25 Her the narrow lanes are most pleasant for cycling , horseriding or even driving out in a pony trap for there is so little traffic and so much nature to be observed .
26 This has little effect and the courts will still regard the contract as one contract ( albeit a severable one ) and therefore it is possible for a sufficiently serious breach to be a repudiation of the whole contract , Smyth ( Ross ) v. Bailey ( 1940 H.L. )
27 There was still much hard work to be done .
28 As Table 16 , below , shows , whereas not one serial and only 2% of defective monographs were categorised as ‘ Fragile ’ , 18% of defective newspapers fell into this category , and while around eight out of ten defective monographs and serials ( 81% and 78% respectively ) showed sufficiently little deterioration to be categorised as ‘ Poor ’ , only six out of ten newspapers ( 62% ) could be so described .
29 The most common for solid walls is the wall anchor , similar in principle to the wall plug , but utilising its own heavy-duty machine screw and requiring a much larger hole to be drilled in the wall ( typically 10mm compared with 6mm for most normal wall plugs ) .
30 It 's a highly privileged situation to be in .
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