Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] one [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As none of us can ever get outside logocentrism ( its power over our habits of thought and over our language is so pervasive ) , the most that one can do is work against them from within in this sort of way .
2 Or rather , the most that one can predict is that the 1990s will be a period of yet more bumps and twists , swerves and U-turns , and unexpected developments .
3 Perhaps the most that one can say of the bureaucracy is that it is a force for inertia in public spending since , once created , agencies programmes and projects are very difficult to dismantle .
4 perhaps that one can dry , all shirts
5 ‘ Dear God , ’ he interrupted , ‘ no wonder you get away with murder , eyes so wide one would swear you were innocent .
6 With primitive methods and knowledge this is about the best that one can do .
7 ‘ There 's not much one can do , my dear .
8 Sure but , but is it , well I 'm not sure one could say he wants his ideas to be accepted not necessarily , it 's not a a bid
9 Thus far one might think that , in applying the £20,000 limit on which the three-quarters compensation is to be paid , attention is to be focused simply on all the outstanding United Kingdom sterling deposits made by a particular depositor .
10 Er and therefore it looks at erm the indirect impact of development erm and it 's it 's more sophisticated one might say than merely looking at the quality of the land .
11 However , against the obvious conclusion that small groups are more effective one must set the increased managerial challenges of having a larger number of groups .
12 More important one should realize that attempts at accommodation between the two new Republics , French and Vietnamese , were taking place not between two sovereign states but between two political forces in the same country , each in the throes of revolution , each unwilling to concede sovereignty to the other .
13 To be really modern one should have no soul .
14 Even those one would expect to have rejoiced at the religious revival which Lewis 's popularity heralded and to a certain degree inspired could only bring themselves to sneer .
15 However , they do grow quite quickly and one day you 'll only have one Trigger left , as the most dominant one will assert its authority .
16 It was mentioned earlier that one must distinguish between economic efficiency and cost-cutting .
17 Indeed , The Conran Shop ( naturally ) is already stocking some furniture , various galleries have bought pieces , and she will have her own show in the summer : the least that one would expect from a girl who , when just a Southern bellette , covered with paint and pattern her mother 's hairdryer .
18 Maybe this one will float , say pensioners
19 So if this was letting , if this was letting ten amps through then this one should let about five amps through .
20 Two hundred and fifty five , and if we did it to he 's absolutely right , erm then this one should have given his bearing as two fifty three minus seventy , which comes to , what does that come to ?
21 Erm why I say five men , you might think that peculiar because there was a man and a conductor each time but we used to reckon that two buses , full-time buses would be scheduled by te or run by ten men because there one man would come off at nine o'clock , have a relief of hour and fifteen minutes and then another one would take over from him .
22 Sometimes all one can do is remember ‘ when in Rome … ’ and bear in mind some dos and don'ts .
23 To be comprehensively neutral one should supply the Reds in our example neither with arms nor with food .
24 No matter how unpalatable one may find his vigilante philosophy-'We 're violent by nature .
25 Though the scientific matching of book and reader is theoretically possible one can have little faith in it .
26 Scepticism and an attitude of indifference to the prospect of final extinction have proved , as a matter of practical experience , no adequate substitute for the doctrine of immortality , however illusory one may hold it to be .
27 However , if one feels that they are too strange one will wish to look carefully at some of the assumptions behind it , such as the denial of organic wholes .
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