Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Trolls are extremely powerful and because they regenerate damage they are very hard to kill .
2 Most of them ca n't be played because they 're so fragile and if they were restored they would n't make their original sound .
3 Its more political purpose would be to show Bosnia 's Serbs that the world 's threats to use force are not empty and that they must change their minds and return to the peace table .
4 ‘ Swansea showed they are not invincible and that they can be disrupted .
5 The person trying to commit suicide has decided either rationally or whilst under extreme duress that their life is no longer bearable and that they must end it .
6 In 1895 , the Royal Free appointed an official ‘ almoner ’ to ensure that patients were genuinely poor and that they contributed what they could afford to their treatment .
7 It was known that atoms were overall electrically neutral and that they contained point-like negatively charged particles , the electrons whose existence had been demonstrated by J.J. Thomson in 1897 .
8 They could see that the competitor 's pile of chocolate growing ever higher and that they were winning nothing , and yet they were powerless to do anything about it !
9 Popular protest movements are becoming more common and although they are usually multi-class in membership , they often originate in poor urban neighbourhoods .
10 There are relevant stair er Chairman which you can look out of place at the present moment of time but they will need to be addressed at some point in time in the future and therefore one could be forgiven for wanting to prioritise various but in general terms , the strategy that has been er looked at is the progress of St Albans in general , there may be small elements of it and some of these have already touched upon but in general that is no sound strategy er which over a period of time and in the process of that it will be essential to monitor erm the effect of some of the changes as you go forward to see in fact whether the other elements of strategy that were erm put in to that er work were in fact still necessary and whether they should be have some .
11 It fears that local authorities will want to move residents to somewhere cheaper and that they will have little choice but to comply .
12 These originated in Northern Italy , where the pasta is traditionally flat and where they use a lot more egg and cream in their cooking .
13 I 've always thought that you get a bunch of songs together and if they 're good songs , you 're really lucky and if they all fit together and make a great album you 're really , really lucky .
14 But if y Some of the finishes on some of the wardrobes are particularly slippery and if they 're particularly slippery then i i it 's difficult often .
15 How much easier and clearer it might have been if it had been possible to say that both parents and husband were equally concerned and that they might all talk together .
16 The male adult koel also mimics the plumage of its hosts : the crows are vigorously territorial and while they are chasing away the intruding male , the female koel can sneak in and lay her egg .
17 The booth they sat in was quite private and as they finished the meal Schellenberg said , ‘ Do you really think it is possible , this thing ? ’
18 So , therefore , right from the outset the project en the lead project engineer knows which ro reports are required , how many and when they are to be provided .
19 There is ample authority for the proposition that the inherent powers of the court under its parens patriae jurisdiction are theoretically limitless and that they certainly extend beyond the powers of a natural parent : see for example In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 25B , 28G .
20 For this reason I have been convinced for some months that interest rates are too high and that they should start to be reduced at once .
21 I said that owls could n't run very fast and so they had to fly to catch mice , which could run fast .
22 Serum urea and electrolytes , liver function tests , coagulation , and red cell folate were seldom abnormal and when they were it was probably because of an unrelated coexistent disease .
23 This presupposes that pieces are not too long and that they are properly rehearsed set-pieces rather than the meaningless meanderings which too often pass for improvisation .
24 ‘ When they are good they are very , very good and when they are horrid they are even better . ’
25 The others were very successful and if they continue to be successful it would be nice to hold them regularly , would n't it ?
26 He is also much more positive than many earlier organization theorists , who emphasized the complexities of individual behaviour in organizations but did little to help top managers except to say their task was very difficult and that they might do better if they understood that .
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