Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] they [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 No-one is suggesting that the forecast famine will be transformed into a flush but auctioneers anticipate prices being so strong they will be impossible to ignore and predict that reasonable numbers of finished steers and bulls will be pulled on to the market .
2 In the absence of more detailed evidence we can only speculate whether the more vocationally , or instrumentally , motivated applicants are , the less willing they will be to consider other , alternative courses and institutions if they do not get on to the course they wanted .
3 So some them could be pre-educated anyway .
4 The authors speculate that this may be because , with a centralised collective bargaining system which is fairly remote from the workers , ‘ the less conscious they will be of the gains achieved , and hence the less likely they are to be credited to union activity ’ ( p. 109 ) .
5 ‘ What makes you so sure they 'll be on this ferry , anyway ? ’
6 Were they so sure they would be able to catch her ?
7 If traders are arrested for breaking regulations and taken to court it 's highly unlikely they will be sent to prison and fines are usually very low .
8 On the other hand , if they were sufficiently wealthy they might be able to afford a nanny or a private nursery school .
9 That may be a drastic example but it is as well to remember that the less we use our muscles the less efficient they will be .
10 So long as these descriptions are more or less correct they should be praised , and everyone 's attention drawn to the most unusual ones .
11 In the event of both protagonists in a conflict being identifiable with the wrong — that is , with the parental — values , the protagonist who most closely approximates to them will be protested against and the other , no matter how objectively wrong they may be , will be totally vindicated and absolutely right .
12 If we 're not careful they 'll be demanding single table bargaining and they 'll be then putting us in the minority in local authorities and we 're gon na see this union under tremendous offensive as a quarter of our membership in local authorities , so we need to get our act together and get on top of this now .
13 What it does is it means that there is a proper look each year at the finances of each individual firm er and er if there are things which are wrong , they are reported straight away and that really I think is the lesser of all of this with B C C I , er that er where things are not all they should be that they are dealt with and they are reported quickly and these orders , Madam Deputy Speaker , go a long way to helping to ensure that and for that reason I believe the house should warmly welcome them .
14 Can you imagine how deliciously hot they 'll be ?
15 While not insurmountable they can be overcome only by those with experience and intimate knowledge of police work .
16 I am not worried they 'll be sold a duff car .
17 The latter was reluctantly agreed to by Betty who thought that ‘ when one group sees another doing something more exciting they 'll be discontented ’ .
18 The longer the the arse and the scum stay in Europe the more likely they will be distracted from the real task in hand — winning the premiership IMHO .
19 The more those kids were deprived and maltreated , the more motivated they would be to get aboard the enterprise culture and start creating wealth .
20 On the political side , Taiwanese worry that the more money they invest in China , the more vulnerable they will be to manipulation by the Chinese government .
21 The less clear the rules , the more difficult they will be to enforce .
22 The fact that a sociologist was witnessing the interviews make it all the more certain they would be conducted with scrupulous care , but there was no way he would be given access to the extra-legal deals which may well have gone on outside the interview room or later during a prison visit for ‘ write-offs ’ .
23 The more often they mate , the more likely they are to be the one who fertilises the eggs , and the more certain they can be that the offspring they expend so much time and energy in rearing are theirs .
24 The warmer they are , the quicker the energy-producing chemical reactions of their body can proceed and the more active they can be .
25 It may be argued that the longer people search for jobs , the more satisfied they will be with their eventual choices .
26 Conceptually brilliant they may be , but they take too long to get the hang of .
27 Although morpheme combinations are syntactically valid they may be semantically invalid .
28 Subscriptions for 1982 are now due they will be : —
29 And how close and how far wrong they will be , she thought numbly .
30 In traffic terms however , these streets are quiet , safe and free from excessive through travel and aggressive driving ; as such they must be judged a great improvement on what went before .
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