Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Without noticing it , while I was looking the other way , I had become old ; so old that I was an ‘ old lady ’ , known as such at the village school .
2 It has been hyped so much that I was n't sure whether I would like it .
3 Meanwhile , I was sweating and burning up so much that I was in danger of melting away into a puddle .
4 Two army medics who were getting ready to deal with such things in the wild were also there , and they kept me laughing so much that I was wobbling up and down while the surgeon was trying to operate .
5 I have never felt so much that I was in a foreign country with seemingly infinite resources available for any purpose you care to name , from stretch automobiles to space travel .
6 Apparently convinced that I was behind the ABC and NBC stories and the media follow-up around the world , they blew my cover in a television broadcast that also went out around the world .
7 This proved futile , and when I decided eventually to rise , it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner .
8 There was no sign of a stone circle , and I began to wonder whether I was lost — and yet I was being ‘ pulled ’ so hard that I was forced to run .
9 I was so glad that I was up here when she came off stage .
10 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
11 And as I appeared in the entrance I was suddenly conscious that I was the centre of attention .
12 When I was at school I was so good that I was n't allowed to answer the questions , but had to give the other girls a chance . ’
13 Obviously , they were so sure that I was the right person for the job , that they needed a second opinion .
14 Not only did the idea come too late , he wrote , not only did the discipline come too late , not only did the resolution of individual problems come too late , but they came so late that I was not even aware of their lateness , and so they were doubly false and doubly useless and doubly meaningless .
15 That took an hour , and made me so tired that I was able to lie down and go to sleep .
16 I was only sure that I was charmed , and no mistake .
17 ‘ … burst upon the scene , and , do you know , he looked so angry that I was more frightened of him than I was of his grisly companion .
18 These were so extreme that I was sure some office junior had filled the form in wrongly !
19 The little round lawn with its grass path was so bitty that I was tempted to remove it altogether , and the two paved areas seemed too small to accommodate much more than a deckchair .
20 He was so thick that I was in the same form as Dan .
21 He was obviously satisfied that I was on the level and reserved two birds on the spot , £35 each .
22 ‘ It was so bad that I was put on crutches .
23 Uncle waited up for me and was so cross that I was really frightened .
24 Unlike the Minister , I am not sorry that I was not on the Committee ; I am pleased that I missed it .
25 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
26 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
27 I blinked twice , not sure that I was in the right country .
28 I 'm not sure that I was aware , at the age of seventeen or eighteen , of any sub-divisions within that single blanched palace of administration , that great white hall of bumbledom .
29 Until recently , I was just amazed that I was doing this with a reasonable amount of success .
30 ‘ I was not aware that I was in the hydrographic business , David . ’
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