Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The two rabbits went up to the board at a hopping run and crouched in a patch of nettles on the far side , wrinkling their noses at the smell of a dead cigarette-end somewhere in the grass .
2 The station 's first official passenger was the Duke of Kent … who in army uniform today officially opened the described as the most advanced anywhere in the world .
3 There is no doubt that the corporatist literature is important : it is ambitious ; it is sensitive to the tie-up between politics and economics ( in a way which pluralism never was ) ; it deals not just with the process of public policy-making but with the substantive outcomes of that process as well ; and it is keenly alive both to the clashes of interests and to the forces which have tended to hold those clashes in some kind of check .
4 He smiled as he watched Sammy cycle a little unsteady out of the yard .
5 The traditional Diamond fighter kite as flown all over Eastern nations is remarkably controllable even on a single line , though its flight path is limited to a narrow sector of the downwind area .
6 Look , if you put it somewhere sensible like on the side of the mirror .
7 We do have to be a little careful now of the evidence which Mead cited in support of her claim that both gender and adolescence are so culturally varied that they simply can not be biologically determined .
8 The stealing of clothing is less understandable especially as the smellier the socks the more appetising to Holmes .
9 He 's so used probably to a left hand filter going
10 A serious concern of the author 's is that governments ' commitment to education , so strong up to the mid-1970s , has waned .
11 I think what 's happened the moon is is either set already or it 's so low down in the sky we ca n't see it because the buildings and things are in the way .
12 Why , why was n't it enough that out of every experience that I mean like not much happens to the back of your neck like that , that 's one thing that I 'd even think about , I mean I 'm not any kind of historian , but like , like anything like the back of the neck I would think of a guillotine also .
13 I like all these noncommittal grey frontages , some unobtrusively elegant , some cautiously flamboyant , that give so little away about the thought that teems behind them .
14 However , their tests found only 2 out of the 183 possible risk premiums to be significantly different from zero .
15 The moon is that much further away from the sea on this side so that 'd have that much less of an effect holding the sea water down on to the earth and therefore the sea water comes Now obviously the water from the high tide has got to come from somewhere so they 'll be some parts of the globe low tide .
16 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
17 With his own property , it was perhaps easier too for a baron to take risks or sail close to the wind .
18 The case is somewhat different however with an impure material .
19 One man told me that they left a rough sort of ramp at one side of the corn , and the horse slid down this on to the middlestead .
20 Because the level of transactions was so high ahead of the slump in house prices , it is widely believed that there is a substantial number of homeowners waiting to sell when prices do start to recover .
21 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
22 I have seen ACE schemes that are doing very good work but are more or less driven out of the place they are in because people did n't like their faces , or for other reasons .
23 It was just before midnight and she was out on the terrace , staring out only half seeingly at the star-spangled horizon , when she heard the sound of a car drawing up at the front of the house .
24 Only 30 out of the 410 films launched last year raised more than $20m at the American box office ( half of which goes to the cinema owner anyway ) .
25 I 'm literally wet through in the night , I was !
26 Yet , as they finally declare their love for each other — having been tricked into so doing — Beatrice asks one favour : It seems to me that the fact that this request comes in prose is a sign that it is not to be taken seriously , since it , too , like so much else in the play , is based on false appearances .
27 The word ’ privatisation ’ is redefined by Labour as it suits it , as is the case with so much else in the Labour party .
28 And would I have got so much just from a voice ?
29 well I do n't think it matters so much in with the
30 Well you can fit so much in to an hour I mean it 's not rushed .
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