Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For relationships between Imperial units ( Example 98 ) success rates were low , 30 per cent or less , rather lower than for metric units .
2 Ideally we should include configuration interaction ( CI ) , but this is rarely possible except for small molecules .
3 Values of the order of 10 6 g mol -1 are now accepted without question , but the accuracy of the measurements is much lower than for simple molecules .
4 The country to the north and north-east of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port is much lower and for that reason more cultivated .
5 Michael Jones says : ‘ Brittany is particularly rich in manor houses — thousands survive and the serious study of them is much less advanced than for equivalent buildings in England .
6 ‘ Many companies , however successful , tend to be somewhat inbred and for this reason people often welcome an injection of new thinking into their affairs . ’
7 It was seen that the length of stay for those who wish to leave the country quickly is not that much shorter than for those who challenge their deportation .
8 Dorset Health Authority monitors activity in the usual manner , and quality criteria are no less rigorous than for any other provider unit .
9 Becoming a competent swimmer is obviously sensible and for those who sail a knowledge of seamanship is essential .
10 The situation is so serious that for any government to do what is necessary , it will have to be hated .
11 It is clear that over the past year everyone in has worked extremely hard and for long hours .
12 Differs from White Stork most notably in being all black except for white underparts .
13 Relative preferences for the Alliance were much less predictable than for Labour or Conservative .
14 This was so important that for each of the national developments a full time National Development Officer ( NDO ) was seconded for a year from a college .
15 However , it is necessary to emphasise that exploration of materials such as sand , clay , soil and wood for sheer delight , without the intervention of an adult , is extremely important and for some children lasts a long time .
16 For example , silicone oils are widely used in convection experiments : they can be obtained with different viscosities , but otherwise similar properties , which provides a convenient method of varying the Prandtl number ; and the viscosity varies with temperature much less than for many fluids .
17 The cost of VHS-C tapes per hour of running time is much higher than for standard VHS .
18 Because the coupon on index-linked gilts is much lower than on conventional gilts , this means that the duration of index-linked gilts will be much higher than for conventional gilts with the same maturity .
19 As we have seen ( on pp. 46–7 ) , the cost of weekly collection is high — making APR on the small sums of credit usually involved much higher than for monthly-payment types of credit .
20 The H 2 O bonds were much stronger than for any other hydrogen compound , but yet the algae managed somehow to develop a secondary photolytic reaction centre for re-absorbing high-energy light that could split the water molecules up .
21 When she bent her head towards his with her lips softly pouted , she came so close that for one brief moment he thought she might actually kiss his forehead .
22 The range of DUAO obtained was much greater than for any other group ( Fig 4 ) ( maximum value 1.8 , minimum -2.8 , mean ( SD ) 0.04 ( 1.05 ) ) .
23 This is not only untrue , it is probably less true than for any other age group .
24 Is it perhaps true that for many of the English , poetry has never been anything else but a superior parlour game ?
25 Concrete blocks should be laid in a 1:3 cement/sand mix , and mixed a little stiffer than for absorbent materials .
26 However this is not usual and for this reason , LIFESPAN give a warning .
27 They are used with effect for disinfecting crockery and cutlery where a mechanical dishwasher is not available and for small items of equipment in industry and retailing .
28 In England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , where that is no longer the case , the age of consent for male homosexual behaviour in private is 21 and not 16 as for heterosexual relationships .
29 However , the price of gas and electricity for slot meters is generally higher than for quarterly billing .
30 Buyers are attracted to the glamorous provenance of works recovered from the sea bed and prices are generally higher than for similar objects without such watery origins .
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