Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] might have " in BNC.

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1 To Constance 's English eyes , his skin was so brown he might have been an Indian .
2 ‘ Because if you try to do anything so misguided I might have to give a Press interview to explain just why I got under your skin so badly ! ’
3 The women who sat beside a single basket of herbs , or wild mushrooms they had gathered that morning in the dew , high in the hills , were tanned so dark they might have washed in walnut juice .
4 Vegetables proved a mixed bag : onion rings so cold they might have been brought from a chip shop in Middlesbrough , saute potatoes very good , others somewhere in between .
5 They formed galleries , which seemed so regular they might have been the honeycombed nestings of some breed of super-lice that had reached an advanced accommodation with their host .
6 At dusk the clouds over Manhattan , which had threatened snow all day , cleared and revealed a pristine sky , its colour so ambiguous it might have fuelled a philosophical debate as to the nature of the blue .
7 If the women had been less busy she might have been seen while she was exploring , but with Lady Marion 's own baby due soon they had plenty of fine weaving and sewing to occupy their eyes .
8 As he walked back down the cul-de-sac McLeish found a demarcation line , so precise it might have been achieved by running a tape across the road , where the commercial element stopped and flat-fronted , early Victorian terraced houses , took over .
9 All were so shabby they might have been worn by a dressy tramp .
10 ‘ His mental state was not all it might have been , ’ said Mr Cardwell .
11 He still does n't know how much more smashing it might have been .
12 Had he been more self-assertive he might have risen higher in politics , but in his chosen field he made good use of his wealth and talents .
13 [ Had I been more perceptive I might have noticed that even in the movies women were always the rancher 's daughter . ]
14 Not as bad you might have thought , but bad enough .
15 Then afraid he might have sounded gallant George added : ‘ Somebody 's got to make sure your military instinct for loot does n't take over . ’
16 Mrs Julian did n't mention how much you might have done and it 's better safe than sorry … ’
17 Only one thing was clear ; his anxiety about how much I might have heard from Mitford and Leverrier was now explained .
18 ‘ I 'm not quite sure what might have happened then , but for some reason he gave up .
19 How proud they might have been to see him now , risen so high above their status ; how fulfilled .
20 Needless to say , I did n't find this remark helpful , however well-intentioned it might have been .
21 However naughty we might have been at school , this was not mentioned at home .
22 How she regretted those words now , however true they might have seemed at the time .
23 Much experimentation went on at Hatfield and other colleges into courses of this kind , and the above example is only one out of very many which might have been cited .
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