Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But the only answer to that is for the West to build the most solid alliance it can with the only Germany it 's got .
2 It is unfortunate that when a problem of this sort gets so much publicity it can become the bandwagon on which those who desperately want attention jump .
3 As a highly moral person it would seem not .
4 from what you 've told us , it would be possible for this aircraft to be so multi mission it could replace the whole of the front line er R A F fast jet strain , could that be true ?
5 Aubrey seemed to think … and I can see that in so many ways it would be a far better match for you .
6 ‘ Even if you did open it , ’ said the Bookman , ‘ I 'm sure the pages are weighed down with so many words it would be impossible to turn them over . ’
7 Perhaps one day it will be realised by all that when Wales struggle every component of Welsh rugby is liable to struggle too .
8 In a constantly shifting scene it must go down as the most important symbolic change imaginable .
9 As we saw earlier , the claim that the STV can be a " vote for a coalition " must be rejected : if you have only one vote it can benefit only one party .
10 There was only one photograph it could have been — the picture of John that accompanied our messages .
11 For some assignments with less experienced clients it will be appropriate to set out in detail and at some length the scope of the MAS and KPMG involvement at each stage ; for more experienced clients a shorter approach may be appropriate .
12 For some assignments with less experienced clients it will be appropriate to set out in detail and at some length the scope of the MAS and KPMG involvement at each stage .
13 Some day it might be a bit less other days it will be more thirty umm but on an average we like to work out the girls to about thirty to twenty five a day .
14 Where work can be done by a less senior collegue it will be charged at a lower rate .
15 And with a little extra trouble it can be turned into a splendid party dish — not for a grand formal party to be sure , or even a buffet party , but the sort of meal for intimate friends when you can put all the food on a huge scrubbed kitchen table and everyone sits round and helps themselves .
16 I 'm afraid the board thinks that in view of your now unacceptably high profile it would be better to — er — temporarily , of course , sever your connection with the company — ’
17 ‘ The injury was such that if there was not some disability it will be nothing short of a miracle .
18 It was then argued , in effect , that since " the family " ( in this sense ) is a functionally useful institution it must also be a necessary institution .
19 Order , my just recent remarks it would apply to the honourable gentleman , just in reply to the honourable gentleman on the front bench , Mr Graham Allett .
20 I 'd I 'd set off watery moves it must be I 'd set
21 The main criticism of the notation is that for more specific subjects it can be extremely long .
22 Well I think as an early potato Stefan , I would chose from Rocket for the earliest , I would grow I think for as well as that I would go for Foremost but if you want a real waxy potato it would still be Arran Pilot cos now whenever you eat it it got a strong taste , whether it 's young or whether it 's old .
23 In a more detailed analysis it would be necessary to separate out these different factors and to attempt to assess how each has contributed or is related to changes in the family .
24 With more serious problems it would be wise to seek professional counselling .
25 If there were more such places it would help to combat the cycle of deprivation that young mothers can get trapped in .
26 One way of approaching s.5(4) is to hold that ownership of goods is not transferred to the alleged thief in situations where under civil law it would not have passed .
27 The qualitative approach may be acceptable for small systems , but for more substantial enterprises it would be surprising if the development of more disciplined and rigorous approaches , say through the wider use of mathematics , would not be more successful and lead to new types of opportunity .
28 A more powerful figure it would not be possible to evoke from one of Leonard 's background , for it captures a significance which the kite could not : that man is only one of many free creatures , subject with them all to a higher power and influence .
29 Losses of soil through erosion vary greatly : under closed forest it may be 2.55 t per ha per annum in Trinidad , less than a tonne in Java or 0.41 in French Guyana , while under secondary forest in Madagascar it was nil , but up to 9 t when cleared and cultivated .
30 For a more mature worker it might read ‘ report on the feasibility of a detector for ABC analysers with 20% improvement in linearity and sensitivity and a 200% longer life ’ .
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