Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] for [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Beside this , the very persistence of the term is itself worthy of interest and on academic , moral and political grounds any resolution of the uncertainty that surrounds the value of the concept of the inner city must surely start by taking on this vocabulary for what it is .
2 The ethologists , some of whom prefer to call themselves socio-biologists , endeavour to observe their subjects in the wild , in circumstances where the gadgetry of scientific apparatus will have only minimal consequences for what is going on .
3 Just so much easier to get just to know that if ever like you know , eight or nine o'clock one night for whatever reason I wanted to come home I could be there like myself , in an hour .
4 It should be noted , though , that as yet there has not been a long enough period for what is banal and insubstantial to be dropped in favour of what is an enduring renewal of the tradition .
5 Her former Special Adviser , Patrick Cosgrave , recounts how there were only two areas for which she had any respect :
6 Tiny Leah Horby , who is almost two , suffers from an extremely rare condition for which surgeons have so far found no cure .
7 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
8 As there are thus three entries for what are fairly certainly the deaths of only two men , there is clearly something amiss in these two early texts of Nesri .
9 Thus all attainments for which the government believes it important enough to legislate are arranged into hierarchies of knowledge , understanding and skill through which all children will progress .
10 Every multi-syllable word has one syllable heavily stressed , but there is no easily discernible pattern for which one it should be .
11 The consultative document published in 1987 followed the principle that had been acknowledged for some time , drawing a distinction between essential items which were to remain free , and desirable but not essential items for which charges could be made , a distinction not in practice very easy to make .
12 Say what you like about his awful presence , he could gain a not inconsiderable reputation for what he does in the comfort of his den .
13 Dr Higgs always appeared the most likely scapegoat for what happened in Cleveland in 1987 .
14 Watching a neighbour put up a suspiciously large extension for which he supposedly has permission .
15 Many plants are left to self-sow and thinned with a hoe , while others are grown from saved seed , but there are always some varieties for which seed must be bought .
16 Because it is not one of the more imposing buildings for which public funds are more readily available , it has had to rely on the care and attention of those who live around it and they are among the poorer people of the city .
17 We may find unifying principles in patterns of gene activity , gradients , signals , modes of movement , but there is still much variety for which we have no explanation whatsoever .
18 Also linen is a more valuable product for which they charged a higher sale price .
19 Letts , of course , has moved in the other direction , into book publishing ( Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop has seen a 500% increase in turnover of sales of their books this year , John Harvey-Jones please note ) , but it is well worth stocking Letts ' unbeatable range of the more traditional diaries for which it is so rightly famous .
20 Or would you , as I suspect , have taken the more kindly line for which you are loved ?
21 There was , however , always one matter for which he had a personal responsibility which he could share with no one else .
22 Spanish manager Jabier Clemente is set to recall some of his more experienced stars for what is sure to be a closely-contested affair .
23 ‘ This will be more suitable clothing for whatever lies to the north . ’
24 Extra-sensory perception , however , seems to be an over-grand , and possibly misleading title for what may simply be God 's pre-programming of his animal kingdom .
25 The results in Table 7.2 clearly show a reduction in the number of word-paths for all sets ; however there were also many utterances for which the correct word-path was not included as one of the alternative word-paths ( Table 7.3 ) .
26 There are also certain provisions for what is termed ‘ semi-retirement ’ , which are hedged around with important rules .
27 Three years later , the Siemens brothers extended cable communications even further by implementing an 11,000km telegraph line between London and Calcutta , a very considerable achievement , one which had been yet another adventure , the sort that provided — like the Atlantic cable saga — the densely-packed reports and darkly realistic illustration for which the Illustrated London News had become justifiably renowned .
28 This was a thoroughly enjoyable tournament for which Eric Jan Berendsen of DIOK must take a large slice of credit and it was also superb as an August pre-season appetizer .
29 Dreaming of the future and rediscovering the feeling of past successes should have helped you work out some goals for yourself-what we will call a ‘ success image ’ .
30 At last , here was somebody who might offer a perfectly sensible explanation for what had happened .
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