Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] me how [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ OK , so tell me how I fulfil my potential at this moment . ’
2 Yeah , so ask me how we did it , I really do n't know .
3 ‘ You 'd better tell me how you met him and explain how we 're going to stay there with him without bloodshed .
4 Nobody went on about my injury — just asked me how I was getting along in Italy . ’
5 Just just show me how you did that one .
6 Just show me how you did that one .
7 ‘ Why did you not tell me how you were placed ? ’ demanded Lady Merchiston the moment she walked through the door .
8 Do not ask me how it can be , I have no idea .
9 She bent over to show me how they tried to eat this dust .
10 White blurs passed around us and coloured pills stuck in my throat but , from time to time , I saw a man in a room on my own and he always asked me how I was feeling .
11 If Esmonde ever asked me how I enjoyed the evening 's ‘ specials ’ I could always say I 'd found them warm and soft ; comfortable to land on .
12 But your fresh deputy should be the one who 's giving you the feedback , I mean , all the time I was on provisions in my last department , and nobody ever told me how I was doing .
13 Siah Armanjani once told me how he used to see the movies in his native Persia in the 1950s .
14 ‘ I remember you once told me how you spent a lot of time on the Algarve when you were young , ’ Vitor said , ‘ but I had no idea which area you came to . ’
15 Paddy always reminds me how he had an offer of a job new I would n't go
16 ‘ Even at that point , NME writers would still ask me how my mates The Cockroaches were doing , ’ he says .
17 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
18 You still have n't told me how your ankle is . ’
19 ‘ You still have n't told me how he found out where she lived ! ’
20 Please tell me how I can arrange my valuable wardrobe space so that I 'm able to get the most out of it ?
21 Please tell me how you got it . ’
22 Q WILL you please tell me how you can propagate a passion flower ?
23 she 's here telling me how they sent over and she said oh do n't call for the next two week because we 're going to Italy
24 I have noticed some very good front ends in Shareware similar to that produced using Pascal , can you please advise me how I produce the same quality of software .
25 It do n't worry me how they remember me .
26 Do n't ask me how he does it .
27 Do n't ask me how he manages it but there is still an aura about Botham that intimidates even the finest player .
28 Do n't ask me how it 's done , but that 's the correct answer .
29 Go right ahead , do n't ask me how I feel . ’
30 Do n't ask me how I kept going for so long , but it took a superhuman effort .
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