Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out at the " in BNC.

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1 BARRY LANE produced a best-of-the-week 66 to come from eight behind to force a tie with Jose-Maria Canizares ( 74 ) in the Rome Masters at windswept Castelgandolfo yesterday , only to lose out at the fourth play-off hole .
2 In fact it seemed that at that time ( early 1977 ) sexual examination had become common practice at Heathrow Immigration Department , apparently carried out at the whim of the officials .
3 Nothing is more infuriating than reading about something that appeals to you , only to find out at the end that you are not eligible .
4 There was a woman standing at one of the second-storey windows when Gentle reached the intersection , just gazing out at the street .
5 Building on the work of the Japan Industrial Studies Programme already carried out at the Policy Studies Institute , the aim is to find out how Japanese managers , especially those in companies that are competing in the British market , see marketing and how they succeed in putting their strategies into effect .
6 Here she was , without Simon , sitting peacefully looking out at the view .
7 In paragraphs two onwards , I give the names of the local governments staff commission , erm , what their statutory it is , and can I just point out at the bottom of the page , paragraph five , please remember that the staff commission is advisory and it has in itself no mandatory powers .
8 Acceptance sampling is usually carried out at the customer 's premises and consists of examining samples of goods delivered , noting the number of reject , or unsatisfactory , items , comparing this number with an agreed acceptable quality level .
9 At percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography bile is often sampled on initial puncture of the liver at a site distant from the stricture whereas at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sampling is usually carried out at the site of the stricture after it has been disrupted by insertion of an endoprosthesis .
10 With Norwegian jacquard , the colour changes , whether made with the colour changer or manually with the jacquard claw , are always carried out at the left side of the machine .
11 These images can be re-scaled at will and always print out at the resolution of the printer rather than the computer 's display .
12 ‘ You 're always undermining me , ’ Avril accused James when he tried to respond to an earlier complaint she had made ( 'You always opt out at the first hint of difficulty' ) , and she reprimanded the children .
13 ‘ When can I see my father ? ’ she demanded , still staring out at the city she had been born in , and feeling waves of love for its brash life force , its moneyed pavements and its frantic race against time .
14 MANCHESTER City chairman Peter Swales yesterday hit out at the eight Premier League clubs who torpedoed the £13 million Bass sponsorship deal .
15 What do you hope you can do in terms of providing or possibly squeezing out at the eleventh hour , the cash that you need from the Oxfordshire Regional Health Authority , to try and stop er routine patients not being treated from Monday ?
16 News of his work with the handicapped also leaked out at the centre and it became common knowledge that he was using the OBEX swimming-pool .
17 After an accident it is often found that maintenance work as well as repairs is necessary and it is quite natural that the Policyholder will want both carried out at the same time .
18 The president , through his spokesman , also lashed out at the chief justice , Valery Zorkin , for publicly opposing his weekend speech before the Constitutional Court began formally to review the case yesterday .
19 Unlike other LIFFE futures contracts , all open positions at the end of a trading day are automatically closed out at the first subsequent opening price for the respective delivery month on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 's JGB futures contract .
20 That was clearly borne out at the dispersal of the Mr and Mrs R E White 's Woodhayne herd where the talk of the sale was a 1000gns bid for a nine month old heifer calf .
21 Brown also hit out at the content of rap music , saying , ‘ I 'm not knocking rappers , but there 's no reason children have to hear four-letter words on the radio . ’
22 Cosmic textures with CDM and ( Fig. 1 a ) is also ruled out at the 99% level and exceeds the COBE fluctuations at the level .
23 The model gives an excellent fit to all the data , whereas the case is marginally ruled out at the 99% level .
24 In the interview in the latest issue of ‘ Hot Press ’ , the DUP councillor also hit out at the Republic 's strict divorce laws .
25 It hit it hit Ian Stringfellow last week and caused Nicky Platten now to pull out at the last minute last night .
26 In another case we have managed to eliminate the first galley stage completely The first setting is now carried out at the first page proof stage and even this will save around £50,000 per year — more than the cost of the entire system .
27 After playing their parts in a fruitless search of the Butcher Building , Dee and Kelley were now dining out at the Drowning Handbag , an up-market eatery in the best part of town .
28 I did n't simply black out at the table , oh no .
29 Graham has frequently hit out at the authorities for squeezing in too much football .
30 There 's one matter that 's in the file , but which did n't come out at the inquest .
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