Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie 's heart was suddenly thumping as they slowly left the floor .
2 Also stems are not crushed as they usually are when using scissors or shears .
3 We think the penal system is best seen as one highly complex system and the penal crisis as a single entity — albeit with multiplex causation and a variety of symptoms .
4 Just act as you usually do when you have to visit the privy , ’ he had instructed , with a grin that Isabel could only describe as fiendish .
5 State legislatures and Congress are no longer gripped as they once were by the dead hand of privilege .
6 You just talk as you normally talk , you know ?
7 First , the NHS is no longer as progressively financed as it once was because of the current regressive system of taxation .
8 She did not resist as I gently opened her mouth .
9 Tom McClenaghan , the council 's director of administration , reveals in a report that owners will be charged an initial £12 for the security of knowing that their furry friends can no longer go as they please .
10 The African national parks are shrinking and animals can no longer roam as they once did ; and poachers run riot .
11 er one that occurs to me , no , no speaking on it myself , the jury might be interested , sometime I just like to get a feel of what a brochure looks like , not divided as it obviously has to be here , could , could we see a couple sometime , not , not now
12 Mendelssohn 's songs have always elicited a somewhat critical response because , elegant and effectively fashioned as they always are , they seldom rise to emotional or dramatic heights .
13 ‘ Ego ’ stalks like a predatory metal monster , rivalling ‘ She Said ’ as their heaviest offering , but ‘ Home ’ still ranks as their darkly majestic trump card , sounding like it wrote itself .
14 Obviously that gleam in his eye , which I have always interpreted as something completely different ( and probably libellous ) , is in fact a passionate yearning after his old job .
15 Such a possession , once recognised as it now is , no university can afford to neglect .
16 Village life is therefore not as close knit as it once was , which is common in many villages today , but nevertheless local functions held in nearby Harpham village hall are always well attended proving that there is still a sense of community in the area .
17 Substantially rewarded as they often were from ecclesiastical revenues they constituted only a minor burden on the Crown .
18 Thankfully they have now gone as they really were substandard .
19 Our days weave together the simple pleasures of daily life , which we should never take for granted , and the higher pleasures of Art and Thought which we may now taste as we please , with none to forbid or criticise .
20 Fleeting images of Ace masterfully entering her room , of him delightfully forcing his attentions on her slowly died as she finally made herself ready for bed .
21 So a big issue about whether how well we 're placed with regard to America and Japan and so on is how well placed are we to bring about this educational step , and I think we 're probably about as well placed as anybody else , certainly we have n't made some of the mistakes that other people have made , we have n't had a very big investment in what 's often called computer assisted instruction , which I think is rather limited .
22 I ca n't watch as I reluctantly move forward
23 It is not that I have no reason to submit to the moral law and can do as I please ; I am left with no reason even to do as I please .
24 Please continue as we really need them .
25 This requires some time to be spent on organising access to playback machines and on introducing teachers to the concept , but that time is well spent as it then frees the tutor to give individual guidance to teachers with problems .
26 When the owner shouts at the cat , instead of simply stopping as it usually does , the cat will massively over-react with one of its mad-panic rushes .
27 He was n't talking as he sometimes did , just for the sake of making a conversational noise .
28 Even dressed as he now was , in a blue cotton jacket and trousers , he could never have been taken for an Italian , and since he was n't able to walk — he could only hop on one leg — or speak the language , he was hardly likely to remain free for long out in the open .
29 ‘ All the players from the side are living and well , thank God , ’ reports Derry PRO Bernie Mullan , ‘ Hugh Francis Gribben is perhaps the man furthest removed as he now lives in Meath where he is a land steward . ’
30 In a daze of ever-increasing passion , she barely noticed as he gently removed her clothes , suddenly glad to be free of them and astonished to find herself revelling in his softly whispered murmurs of delight , the fierce gleam in his grey eyes , before first his fingers and then his lips began tracing patterns of fire on her quivering flesh .
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