Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] on such [art] " in BNC.

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1 This basic categorical imperative bids me only act on such a maxim as I can will should become a universal law to which all rational agents conform their behaviour .
2 Merely to embark on such an approach reveals how inadequate and simplistic it is .
3 From workers there 's bitterness that it 's all ended on such a sour note .
4 ‘ I remain convinced … that the House of Commons would regard a decision by your Lordships to use Hansard to construe a statute as a grave step and that the House of Commons may well regret that its views were not sought on such an important matter before your Lordships reached a decision .
5 General checklists or weighting systems not based on such an understanding are likely to do more harm than good .
6 Fortunately , there are some issues that do not depend on such a level of specificity .
7 ( b ) The social importance of the accused 's conduct does not depend on such an intention .
8 I would recommend to Ran that perhaps he does not go on such a big trip again , and I 'm going to recommend it to myself . ’
9 However , persuading companies to pay out in a worldwide recession is hard-going , and the IASC can not rely on such an uncertain source of funding .
10 The second defendants were liable because they could not rely on such an examination taking place .
11 This had not happened on such a scale before and encouraged MacMillan to stage another biographical work , Isadora , which followed the pattern of his earlier Anastasia .
12 Sometimes a seller is so financially powerful that he can blatantly insist on such a clause being included in the contract ; he can adopt a ‘ take it or leave it ’ attitude .
13 She had never thought that she would ever travel on such a thing , although she could not tell Rose that .
14 Next , the tenor , who was engaged as a stop-gap , is a church singer from Lodi who has never before acted on such a big stage , who has only taken the part of the primo tenore a couple of times , and who moreover was only engaged a week before the performance .
15 Goodnight discounts rumours that his company could n't actually get a version of SAS to work on that particular platform , saying the firm is n't working on such a port now , and has no plans to do any other Motorola Inc 680X0 implementations besides the Unix one it offers currently .
16 While the former resists the comparison with an empirical reality the latter is epistemologically founded on such a comparison .
17 Why rely on such a volatile source of fuel for our power stations when a steady supply could be obtained from the magical uranium ?
18 He told inmates at Pentonville Prison , London : ‘ I have never sat on such a hard chair in my life . ’
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