Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] at [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
2 Similarly Coun John Kitson , somewhat miffed at being called a ‘ veteran , ’ insists that he did n't say prospective industrialists had to be given tea and biscuits .
3 Koi are less stressed at being moved and look their very best .
4 Earlier , the full-back , apparently incensed at being called off just three minutes into the second half , turned away from the bench and sprinted straight down the tunnel .
5 The list you have just looked at is designed to help you identify any deficiency you may have .
6 It was hard to tell if he was more discomforted at being accused of being as lecherous or as old as his father-in-law .
7 Then , still depressed at being ditched , he drank eight pints on a night out with other squaddies , said prosecutor Graham Boal .
8 A source close to the player last night made it clear that he was deeply hurt at being dropped from the match .
9 The news that Sky had beaten a rival last minute ITV bid of £200m was greeted with anger by MPs and sports viewers still smarting at being deprived of cricket World Cup live coverage by the satellite station .
10 She reached for her telephone and dialled the number of a journalist friend , unaccountably irritated at being told that he was not available .
11 The disappointment Haslam inevitably felt at being let down in this way led to a second turning point in his career and one of those ‘ negative accidents ’ that ultimately proved to have a positive outcome .
12 Stephenson grew increasingly irritated at being ignored by the owners and the newspapers .
13 Neither is she particularly thrilled at being considered one of the world 's leading sex symbols .
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