Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Ace suddenly realized he might have taken other damage .
2 Hoomey set off up the hill , half running , so relieved he could have cried .
3 In so doing he may have had access to local traditions .
4 With regard to Simon , I do not think he would have a parallel .
5 The Russian did not think he could have been dead for long .
6 It was generally felt he would have won at St Andrews after his 29 for the first nine in the first round if he had n't had part of the round washed out and had to continue the next day .
7 But Polybius would of course have had to jettison his pet idea of the mixed constitution , and generally speaking he would have had to admit that those Romans whose minds appeared so transparent to him were in fact much more mysterious creatures .
8 ‘ I just wish he could have been here to see it . ’
9 Well , he might have kept one as a spare , but I rather suspect he 'd have handed it to a friend with strict instructions to thrash it to death and to return it in five years ’ time …
10 And if he 'd any sense he would have guessed my reaction .
11 ‘ I still feel he should have gone to university like the other two .
12 She learned that Maxim had an elder sister — oddly , she 'd always assumed he must have been the first child — who had married a Quaker school-master and lived up North , had three children and did n't work , ‘ Except at disapproving of the Army , ’ Maxim added .
13 He was always so quick witted and courageous was John that I always thought he would have made a good secret agent — a James Bond kind of figure .
14 She had only seen Johnny dressed in what she supposed must be the nineteen forties ' version of casual wear ; but , of course , when he was formally attired he would have worn starched collars with his shirt , detachable and fastened with one of the studs which she now held in her hand .
15 She always said he should have stayed to fight his corner .
16 Someone once said he 'd have known me anywhere by the voice but he 'd have passed me by in the street on account I look much better in person than I do on the telly .
17 These omissions and transpositions indicate that Levi could well have kept to himself any plan he may have formed to end his life .
18 Since McFarlane was an honourable man , North was not unduly worried when he asked him to alter official documents ; and when McFarlane sat down at North 's computer on November 18th to type in ‘ additional input that was radically different from the truth ’ , North still considered he must have had ‘ a darn good reason for not putting the straight story out ’ .
19 Gwenellen hopefully suggested he might have a secret mistress .
20 I honestly thought he would have forgotten the Marquis of Granby incident .
21 They clearly felt he should have taken a more manly approach to the brain tumour .
22 Gooch later said he would have batted , but England will have been pleased with the overcast conditions on the opening day , which gave way to sunny weather when England batted .
23 He also admits he should have prevented goals in earlier games against Sheffield United and Arsenal .
24 Best probably knows he should have Cusworth on board and you have only to look at the magical ( and almost posthumous ) transformation that Best has wrought in Peter Winterbottom 's handling and passing to see what a course in sevens indoctrination can achieve .
25 Hopkins , 54 , a reformed alcoholic , was desperately lonely at school and a poor student and he now thinks he may have been slightly dyslexic .
26 She had contrarily thought that if he really cared he would have come running after her .
27 It now seems he might have gone because of financial worries
28 I really think he should have been going to try on a left footed shot from there .
29 ‘ I rather gathered he might have been .
30 I do n't think he may have been told about that , now he himself if he knew about that , that might be sufficient digging him over this hill
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