Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a part in " in BNC.

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1 Wandering around the cavernous warehouse that contains the Neighbours sets in Nunawading , Melbourne , she fondly points out various props which have all played a part in shaping the history of Ramsay Street .
2 Remember where many of Saddam 's weapons of destruction originated : Britain , the United States , France , Germany , Switzerland and Italy have all played a part in developing his nuclear , chemical and ballistic capabilities .
3 Lucy was already regretting her impulsive words , but , knowing she had to come up with an answer , she said in a matter-of-fact tone , ‘ Silas has already assured me that women will no longer play a part in his life .
4 Remove fish that are not playing a part in any courtship as these may be attacked by the breeding pair or indeed they themselves may cause mischief in the system .
5 Interestingly the commercial value of the site did not play a part in the calculation .
6 In 1317 he and Pembroke combined to restrain the most avaricious of the courtiers , Roger Damory [ q.v. ] , in order to placate the court 's leading opponent , Thomas , Earl of Lancaster [ q.v. ] ; and he went on to play a part in the negotiations with Lancaster which culminated in the treaty of Leake in 1318 .
7 Notice also how he is sheeting in the sail since even at this speed the apparent wind effect still plays a part in the turn .
8 ‘ While EC and central government grant assistance still plays a part in the DPTC 's training income , it is now channelled through the user organisations to offset the full commercial rates we are charging for courses .
9 However , in terms of the Act of 1980 and in the light of what has been stated above , the school 's admission criteria still played a part in the panel 's deliberations .
10 Although the lack of any source comparable to Gregory means that no satisfactory comparison can be made between the sixth and seventh centuries , it is , nevertheless , clear that central secular authority could still play a part in the appointment of bishops in the later Merovingian period .
11 Confidence also plays a part in maintaining safety .
12 Skeletal muscle also plays a part in propelling lymph , by massaging the ducts , particularly during vigorous exercise .
13 As Curran has forcefully shown , advertising also plays a part in shaping a newspaper and so the needs of advertising to some extent determine the nature of the newspaper .
14 Guilt also plays a part in the energy expended .
15 Not surprisingly these features are principally confined to the cities of the province , though we might expect some form of provision at those sites where water transport clearly played a part in moving bulky products like building stone or pottery ( p. 43 ) .
16 It did , in any event , provide an excuse for the father of the Princess Adelaide to turn down the proposal , although it seems likely that the dubious moral reputation of his putative son-in-law also played a part in the refusal .
17 He also played a part in developing in England , even before the full force of the new historical criticism of the Bible had been felt there , an understanding of the authority of the Bible which did not rest simply on regarding it as the inspired and inerrant compendium from which the truths about God could be read off in literal and rationalist fashion .
18 Political considerations also played a part in the development of the aspects of cosmic gods .
19 Her encouragement also played a part in the success of two further women 's halls , St Hugh 's , opened by ( Dame ) Elizabeth Wordsworth in 1886 , and St Hilda 's , founded in 1893 by Dorothea Beale [ qq.v . ] .
20 The station — so vital and bustling and alive — also played a part in man 's last journey — to ‘ the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns ’ .
21 He was a member of the Howie Committee on the future provision for S5 and S6 in secondary schools and David also played a part in the development of educational programmes on television in Scotland and Zambia .
22 That probably played a part in us winning the title .
23 Its small size suggests that it was a so-called ‘ satellite ’ pyramid which probably played a part in the ritual entombment of the pharaoh , although the lack of remains found in satellite pyramids have made it difficult to determine their function .
24 Many small towns probably played a part in the machinery of local government .
25 The sudden increase in the dissemination of information about reliable and safe contraception and abortion and their availability have also played a part in creating temporary changes in birth rates , by persuading couples to postpone rather than forgo child-bearing altogether .
26 Lang has also played a part in the admission of rock and graffiti to the cultural fold and given a helping hand to the young unemployed with subsidies for their participation on archaeological digs .
27 Statute has also played a part in broadening the ambit of the record .
28 Free radicals may also play a part in producing organic compounds with metallic properties .
29 Aroma conditioning or ‘ fashion ’ may also play a part in aroma preference .
30 Acetylcholine ( ACh ) and the enzymes that hydrolyse and synthesize it ( acetylcholine esterase and choline acetylase ) are present in relatively large quantities in insects ( Smallman and Mansing , 1969 ) and it seems likely that acetylcholine is a transmitter at neuropilar axo-axonic synapses ; y-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) may also play a part in synaptic transmission in the neuropile .
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