Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] not have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No one says you ca n't write it down do n't have to do it in all in your head do you .
2 But like er , she took it sch to school and Scott was giving us a lift to school so did n't have to walk and she 's in the car and she 's going if this gets if this gets all smashed up Scott I hope you realise I 'm blaming you !
3 Their ‘ Metropolis ’ of 1991 on the other hand , also in Berlin , is generally thought not have succeeded in pointing the way for the decade , probably because the art scene is much more fragmented now and no single trend can be identified .
4 Campese , definitely unlike Best , says he would n't know how to chat up a girl , though Best did n't have to do much chatting .
5 On this machine , I just do n't have to wait .
6 I mean , we just , we just do n't have to keep changing it and talking about it .
7 After a year his wife still appeared not to have noticed the smell of another woman on her husband 's face .
8 When you open a Current Account at Midland you usually do n't have to worry about such inconvenience .
9 They probably did n't have to refer back to their superiors-those mysterious Controllers , be they human or not — for instructions , they probably had their contingency plans all ready and prepared .
10 Might be a man in charge , but they probably do n't have to pay lots of wages .
11 He also did n't have to queue outside in the cold like the rest of us .
12 ‘ I really enjoy not having to race round each bend at the limit .
13 ‘ Look — ’ now she was finding it all but impossible to get back to her feet , and the embarrassment of having him witness her futile struggles was fast becoming unbearable ‘ — I 'm quite happy just to potter about by myself here ; you really do n't have to hang around me . ’
14 She thought : I really do n't have to put up with this any more .
15 ‘ You really do n't have to make all this up on my account . ’
16 A local study exposure programme arranges visits to deprived areas that so far do not have organised activities .
17 ( He really does n't have to worry about that . )
18 Yes but you ca n't have not have heard it ?
19 Yeah well did n't have to do it on my bed .
20 ‘ I can speak to subordinates in any fashion I wish — a privilege of rank , which I surely do n't have to tell you about . ’
21 After the jump , no doubt I might simply regret not having died , but only if it no longer matters to me how I die , only if I am past caring about the value of my acts .
22 Many pieces of information given to the reader are subsequently contradicted , many of the events recounted are then said not to have happened , there are conversations which may or may not have taken place and characters are themselves then someone else , or themselves and someone else .
23 December the twenty fifth go then , then do n't have to buy you presents
24 Some of the agencies have been recommending the complete party and for some people this is ideal , in that they then do not have to worry .
25 In that spirit , John Davenport , that lazy , combative and yet most perceptive of critics , wrote to me saying that he almost hoped not to have to share his pleasure in this book with too many other people .
26 But I was on medical and BUPA hospitals had special arrangements where they did n't have to have a cheque and where did n't have to have a banker 's order .
27 The er I I shall pull back slightly on that comment in that , if it 's jointly owned property it 's outside the will you therefore do n't have to prove the will to deal with that property , but if it is a large estate and you are dealing with other assets , when you do your inland revenue account you also have to refer to property you may have had the power of dealing while you were alive and that would include jointly owned property .
28 I certainly do n't have to let him take advantage of it or let him bludgeon me into a marriage that would be power-based and intolerable .
29 No-one is strongly opposed to the match , and she certainly does not have to defer to anyone 's opinion .
30 He certainly does n't have to submit to normal disciplines !
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