Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He ducked under the thief 's sword arm and brought his own blade around in an arc so incompetently misjudged that it hit the man flat-first and jolted out of the wizard 's hand .
2 The need for war , then , was fairly generally accepted , although it was widely recognized that it brought destruction and death .
3 He eventually concludes that it involved another acquisition — this time the American firm of Keebler in 1974 .
4 But it is a lawyers ' word , and those not used to legal language might naturally think that it meant changing something or exchanging property for other property .
5 When he changed from an acoustic to an electric guitar so overloaded that it made the windows of the little studios rattle , you could still sometimes hear his feet rapping on the boards and the irregular chord sequences and the trademark himmahimmahimm drifting through the air .
6 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
7 Filigree Street crosses its turnwise end in the manner of the crosspiece of a T , and the Broken Drum is so placed that it looks down the full length of the street .
8 This is not to reject the approach out of hand ; but merely to acknowledge that it has weaknesses .
9 Miss Hannah Hauxwell , dressed in men 's trousers and old jacket so torn that it looked as though savaging by wolf packs had once been part of her daily routine , looked at me mildly .
10 Kate felt inordinately pleased at his offer , even though she was astute enough to know that it came from a desire for any company , rather than hers specifically .
11 She did n't know very much about romance , to be sure , just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed and squeezed into the orderly compartments of people 's lives .
12 Gorbad Ironclaw was one of the most successful Orc leaders of all time : his campaign of destruction raged across the Empire and left the region of Solland so devastated that it has never fully recovered .
13 Then another smashed the window and grabbed a bag — only to discover that it contained just 1p .
14 Further suppose that he had tried Kant 's remedy of being kind to his dogs , only to discover that it served merely to fan the flames of his misanthropy .
15 Arriving at the edge of the quay , Fitzroy Maclean attempted to inflate it , only to discover that it had a puncture .
16 If , as naïve young hunters , they attacked a brightly coloured prey , bit it and started to chew it , only to discover that it had a foul taste or a poisonous secretion , they would probably remember it for the rest of their lives .
17 We 've heard of a small baby who chewed through a gift and swallowed a battery , and of a granny who bought one of those talking baby dolls for her favourite grandaughter , only to find that it had a vocabulary of four-letter words .
18 Many women have seen a new and demanding career at midlife as their way to satisfaction , only to find that it becomes a prime cause of problems for their husband .
19 We know this because sometimes we may use a word which we ourselves consider innocuous , only to find that it produces a strong emotional response in someone else .
20 It is acknowledged , however , that in its efforts to support the capitalist system , politically and economically , the capitalist state creates and expands public and social services only to find that it does not have the required resources to meet the growing cost of the public sector .
21 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
22 If you are playing Dwarf Wars , for example , the adventurers might reach Hargrim 's tomb only to find that it has been defiled and looted .
23 But a final word of caution : venturis are temperamental , and to enclose yours within a blockwork wall , only to find that it did n't work properly , would be frustrating .
24 The number of matrices B which diagonalise A in this manner is indefinitely large : to prove the theorem we need only show that it holds for any two .
25 I can only assume that it stemmed from wishful thinking or a misunderstanding on the part of one of the council employees or officers .
26 We can only assume that it intends to gain acceptability and legitimacy within the ranks of the sold-out lackeys of the Labour Party , rather than working to organise the most exploited sections of ordinary people — women .
27 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
28 This is a life so transformed that it stands in utter contrast to the life which comes naturally to us as human beings .
29 However , whilst both the HPV16 sequence and the HSV octamer could readily compete for binding of this protein , the HPV6 sequence could not do so confirming that it does not bind the cervical protein with high affinity ( Figure 4 ) .
30 It so happened that it fell to the lot of Geoffrey Holton and Chris Protheroe to do the donkey work in the Lusaka accident , but it could have been any of the twenty or so investigators in AIB .
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