Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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31 This supposition is mistaken , according to the argument of this book ; the imperative to become equally aware from different spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints is independent of moral traditions and habits , and we need not doubt that under any conditions spontaneity will continue to channel itself in selfish or unselfish directions with inequality or equality of awareness .
32 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
33 ‘ I just hope that after that build-up I 've lived up to my reputation ! ’
34 Er nowadays so many things are just accepted that in those days they would n't be .
35 No , Ros has already argued that in most cases access is covered by a standard procedure survey .
36 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
37 Remarks We have just seen that in some ways the number systems Zp , where p is a prime , are more like Q , R and C than in Z itself in that all of A1 , A2 , … ,
38 When Oldham Magistrates granted summonses against Brady and Hindley for the murder of the child following a private application , the Director , having already decided that in all the circumstances it would not be in the public interest to institute proceedings against them , used his statutory powers under Section 6 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 to take over the conduct of the case and to discontinue it under Section 23 .
39 I do not believe that at any time , and certainly not at any time when I knew them , was there any emotional relationship between Harold Wilson and Marcia Williams .
40 As the transcript of the judgment reveals , the Crown of Appeal was of the view that even if the appellant 's assertion of a right to be informed of the solicitor 's calls had been upheld , it does not follow that in all the circumstances of the case fairness would have required that the confession should have been excluded under section 78 .
41 ‘ Nevertheless , the converse does not follow that in this type of action the court in granting an interim injunction ought always to require an undertaking as to damages from the Crown .
42 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
43 One state Department cable to the US ambassador in Teheran asked him to remind the Shah the reforms were necessary " because it is generally agreed that without some reforms Iran as likely as Khrushchev predicted to fall to Soviets like ripe plum "
44 It was generally agreed that in any case it would be very difficult to achieve because very few areas were in fact exclusively inhabited by any one of the three communities .
45 It was decided instead to select a few films from each of a number of categories ( i.e. types of driving situation ) and thus ensure that within each category there was enough similarity to create sufficient potential distractors for each target .
46 Wait a minute now , we 'll just wipe that on this off the table so it does n't go on your sleeve .
47 The point of counterfactuals , on this view , is not to suggest that at any particular moment something else might have happened , but to indicate and test the relations between causes and consequences .
48 It is not anticipated that in many cases it would be necessary to seek an interdict .
49 If this is indeed so , and if it is true that the latency period is in decline as an important cultural phenomenon , then it seems difficult not to conclude that in some very significant respects modern Western child-rearing practices are approximating more to those of pre-Neolithic , pre-agricultural societies like those of the Australian aborigines than to modern industrial ones .
50 Lord McGregor of Durris told journalists and editors at the annual What the Papers Say Awards lunch yesterday that critics of the present commission had not grasped that in some situations the law was powerless to regulate people 's behaviour .
51 Even the most popular of girls soon discovered that in this highly competitive world where models vied with one another for the most glamorous jobs and the wealthiest and best-looking men there was far more bitchiness than in the provinces — and Paula was far from popular .
52 Given the diversity of tribunals , commissions , authorities , ministers and inquiries which constitute our administrative system , it would be surprising if we did not conclude that in some instances the rational basis test was the correct stance and in others a test of substitution of judgment .
53 But if , and most of are I 'm sure that we 've come today with some thorn in our flesh somewhere , some worry , some difficulty or a disappointment perhaps of some kind , then just remember that in all things God works together for good with those who love him , and for that rejoice and give thanks , and again I say , rejoice .
54 It is generally recognised that in any large complex organisation , management must delegate some authority because :
55 Does Mr Stigle not appreciate that without these hard-working VOLUNTEERS who give so freely of their time and money , there would be no main line steam ?
56 ‘ And I 'm not saying that as any friend of theirs . ’
57 No no I we 're not saying that at all , that 's a different proposition entirely er certainly the County Council is at this moment in time committed to an outer northern relief road , I do n't think there 's any question of that .
58 I was just saying that in that respect there 's not really much between John Major and Margaret Thatcher
59 No one would have constructed them in the form they have if he had not known that at all costs he must , when it comes to experimental predictions , obtain those same results which the statistically interpreted Schrödinger equation seems to produce so economically and naturally .
60 It does not seem generally known that for more than a year after VJ Day more than 120,000 Allied POWs were kept in internment camps in Java .
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