Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] i [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Must you go on reminding me of it ? ’
2 Anyway , I got through to the finals , that was really nerve-racking , and my mum and my boyfriend came along to see me in it .
3 Cobalt said wryly : ‘ Yes , and he only told me about it because I paid him . ’
4 was she made enough to give me to him ?
5 However , he records with thankfulness that it ‘ pleased God not only to keep me from them ’ , but also to give him a friend whose example of zeal and practical godliness was of great spiritual help to him .
6 " You 'd better tell me about it .
7 ‘ You 'd better tell me about it . ’
8 Look , ’ he added , taking hold of Robyn 's arm , ‘ if ever she starts on you like that again , just bring me into it — I 'll sort her out . ’
9 Just beat me to it .
10 ‘ Nor you 'll not beat me into it neither ! ’
11 I was a player in a drama written and cast by Jean-Claude , who had not rehearsed me for it .
12 You may not like me for it but I will have to drive you hard if you are to learn all you will need to survive what you will face .
13 The right hon. and learned Gentleman has not told me about it yet .
14 Knowing Martin what John has just told me about him if I did n't know him I do n't think it would me anything !
15 Just tell me about it … ’
16 Nevertheless do not tell me of it , even to confirm me ; for it is what we can not analyse or arrange , any more than the rich simplicity of childhood .
17 It was their own secret world , and they did not let me into it again .
18 ‘ But you 're not telling me about it , are you , Cameron ? ’ the DI says , sounding regretful .
19 Though they did n't read much they had a huge library and they just left me to it so I did read without direction .
20 He just left me to it . ’
21 Mum 's just telling me about her erm
22 I do not see much to encourage me at all , but this does not worry me for it could be much later when they arrive , after I have left for home .
23 Ca n't you just ask me about it ?
24 Yet people still associate me with them .
25 A pig-headed brute who could jump himself out of anything , like a cat , but did n't always choose to , and did n't always take me with him .
26 My master liked to go fishing in a little boat , and he always took me with him .
27 I can still hear the tune he played in the band after we talked — ‘ Ai n't She Sweet ’ — and it will always remind me of him .
28 ‘ He 's always leaving me with you .
29 I should in any case have answered Elizabeth 's kind little note , but a reference to Ivy at once warmed me towards her .
30 And I do n't think he ever forgave me for it you know .
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