Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 During these pauses he would leer in the hope that his lady friend would fill in the gaps , thereby allowing him to save his energy for later .
2 The agency gave assurances that this new evidence had been passed to the relevant prosecuting authorities , and it was this which had led to the prosecutors ' decision to withdraw from their plea bargain arrangement with Drogoul , thereby allowing him to change his plea to innocent .
3 How long has he had his car ?
4 I 've only seen him kiss your woman , that was what three and a half months ago .
5 Once we had worked together to help him regain his faith , he was able to go on to play just as well as he had done before ; indeed , now that he had remembered the feeling of success , he was able to play even better .
6 Those who cared for Michael gently encouraged him to accept his toys and belongings again .
7 I persuaded him to be ashamed of snobbishness — or perhaps I only taught him to keep his true feelings from me .
8 I do so hope he ignores my advice .
9 He paused just long enough to ensure he had her full attention before going on to deliver his thuderbolt .
10 And finally , Pilate rejected the Lord Jesus , and in so doing he sealed his own doom .
11 Before I can take on such a patient I naturally ask him to consult his doctor to ensure that there is no physical cause for the problem .
12 The years of his longest sentence , from 1979 to 1983 ( incurred for setting up , in admiring imitation of the Polish KOR , a Czech Committee to Defend the Unjustly Prosecuted ) were punctuated by other , sometimes painfully absurd episodes : for example the day the Interior Ministry 's men relented sufficiently to allow him to attend his father 's funeral , and then inadvertently let him be surrounded by a tight scrum of friends who brought him up to date with all the latest political news .
13 If part of the credit for a breakthrough could be claimed by Mr Hussein , and so induce him to pull his army out of Kuwait , why not solve two problems in a single bloodless stroke ?
14 I personally think he suits their style more and will probably do good things for them for a while , until he gets bored , or dropped , or injured .
15 Not only did he bring his delightful driving skill to the team but also his vast engineering knowledge and the two combined to make Cooper one of the leading forces in Grand Prix racing for several years .
16 Not only did he threaten your daughter 's career , he also threatened to take her away from you . ’
17 Not only did he invade her privacy , he had the gall to sit there and demand that she serve him !
18 Not only did he know their ways and problems but was committed to their advancement .
19 Not only did he share his predecessor 's misgivings about aiding any rebels , Calvinist or otherwise , he also had a strong temperamental dislike of all conflict .
20 John George had long ceased to play the father to John : not only did he put his son first at all times , but his alcoholism made him extremely difficult to deal with .
21 Old Van Leer left nothing to chance : not only did he plan his own funeral , he even made Wim rehearse a funeral oration , which he did with his usual brio .
22 Our King refused , justly claiming he held his throne direct of God .
23 So does he take his to a timber yard to be split ?
24 That not only had he stolen her savings , but the money Aunt Jane had left her when she 'd died ?
25 But if Sutherland sounds distant and indifferent to his father — ’ We see each other very rarely ’ he insists — one has only to ask him to list his favourite Donald Sutherland movies to see a proud and admiring son .
26 The Old Ones never appear in person , so we do n't have to worry about them anyway , but a cultist who only believes he has their powers or blessings and acts accordingly is just as dangerous as one who genuinely has their powers and blessings . ’
27 The clothes had been left on the heated towel rack in the bathroom , which had taken some of the chill off them , but insinuating himself into their dampness was almost enough to make him retract his jibe , and wear the absent lover 's clothes .
28 We now have to alter the old consequences and make it quite clear to him that his bad behaviour will have results that are not only not rewarding , but also unpleasant enough to make him relinquish his tantrum .
29 Not as powerful yet as the Ping Tiao , nor as rich in its resources , yet significant enough to make him change his plans .
30 In Havana in April , Fidel Castro politely told him to mind his own business .
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