Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
2 Prime Minister Ante Markovic , introducing the currency reform in line with a controversial IMF-backed package of economic austerity measures announced by him on Dec. 18 , 1989 , had said also that wage increases would be linked to the new dinar 's exchange rate , meaning that wages were thus effectively frozen for six months at November 1989 levels .
3 They may go on appearing for twenty-four hours until eventually he has given birth to a thousand or more babies .
4 She only asked for one word to be removed . ’
5 Briefly , 3 10 7 cells grown in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5% FCS were harvested , washed twice in 1 PBS and resuspended in 2 ml of buffer B ( 60 mM KCl , 15 mM NaCl , 0.15 mM spermine , 0.5 mM spermidine , 15 mM HEPES pH 7.5 , 14 mM β-mercaptoethanol , 0.3 M sucrose , 0.5 mM EGTA and 2mM EDTA ) ; 2 ml of buffer B containing 0.1% NP40 were added ( final NP40 concentration : 0.05% ) and the mixture was gently pipetted for 1 min on ice .
6 This is also the venue for the annual Howden Agricultural Show , which every year brings friends and visitors together to revel for two days in the old-fashioned atmosphere of an English country fair .
7 Beyond the door lay the cargo compartment , bare , bleak , functional and obviously designed for one purpose only , the transport of missiles .
8 The guidance says that Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , ‘ is minded ’ to go for Japanese-style pendulum arbitration — where the arbiter would be free only to find for one party or the other , and would not be able to compromise .
9 Add the tomatoes , tomato purée and wine , season and gently cook for 5 minutes .
10 It is a surprising place to find the main indoor athletics stadium in Britain , housing a 200 metre indoor synthetic track and , for the biggest events , enough seating for 5000 people , in one of its great hangars .
11 But the pastor only came for one service every two weeks even then , in the war . ’
12 So we 're only looking for fourteen businesses on each assignment .
13 But where the qualification is the doing of something of value to the seller , and where the qualification only suffices for one sale and must be reacquired before another sale , I find it hard to regard the repeated acquisitions of the qualification as anything other than parts of the consideration for the sales .
14 In my day we treated our old heroes right and they only played for 10 bob a week .
15 She 's only going for one class .
16 I thought bloody hell Lynn you 're only waiting for fifty P , you know ?
17 Each new barrel costs £1.50 ; they are normally only used for one race and there are 50 barrels on a raft .
18 Nothing apparently happened for two months after the Institute 's delegation .
19 Erm you gave your business card , sorry you gave your buyer 's guide first and Steve raised an objection then about do you find it a problem only selling for one company
20 One tall girl with curly hair only hitched for two minutes before a smiling family picked her up .
21 He is still very young and has only played for one season ( Wilko let him do a degree first , a 1st in chemisty ) .
22 Two forms of design right are proposed , one subject to registration , the other right being unregistered but only lasting for three years .
23 ‘ Of course we were only invited for ten days or so . ’
24 We are expecting him back on Monday — but if he 's only staying for three days it 's a pointless exercise .
25 They 're only coming for eleven weeks , and that of course starting in June , take some holidays , and
26 She had always been the sensible , down-to-earth twin , yet here she was , going away with a man she had only known for two days .
27 Exiles secretary John Hunter said last night : ‘ We felt we were reasonable in only asking for two players out of a possible six .
28 My friend says that George was only gone for five minutes , but when he returned from the toilet he said that he had been captured , flown to Venus and then forced to have sex with several beautiful Venusian lasses , who required his ‘ superior seed for the creation of a cosmic super race ’ .
29 We only went for two days .
30 A number of our highly successful programmes currently only run for twenty weeks a year , such as ‘ In Business ’ and ‘ Europhile ’ — and we will now expand their run for the entire year .
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