Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] it was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Little realising it was their road to Eternity .
2 I was er sitting watching you doling it out and suddenly realized it was mine .
3 Is he aware that the right hon. Gentleman who so described it was none other than the Leader of the Opposition ?
4 She did n't know how he had forced that admission out of her , she only knew it was something she had to say .
5 Luke Calder might admit to a fleeting attraction for her , but she was n't fool enough to think it was anything more than that .
6 Innocent as I was , ignorant rather , I did not realize it was something else she spoke of .
7 ‘ — How could I rob Bella and her not know it was me , eh ?
8 I 'm not saying it was her .
9 If she had known of how the Greeks slaughtered the bearers of bad tidings she might have taken longer to decide it was her duty , but , as it was , she saw no need to fear for herself , only for the person to whom she would relate the devastating news .
10 Fucking knew it was them !
11 He thought it better not to mention it was he who had been responsible for both his accidents .
12 just thought it was his natural hair but
13 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
14 And however much I hated the idea , sooner or later I would have to tell somebody about it — Toby , perhaps either the truth or a lie I would have to tell , because I could n't any longer pretend it was nobody 's business but mine .
15 So no one 'd ever know it was you had 'em all the time .
16 You would hardly know it was him .
17 He still believed it was his God given right to govern .
18 He was fined £50 for breaching a local by-law but yesterday claimed it was everybody 's right to search for bait in a ruling dating back to the Magna Carta in 1215 .
19 ‘ You know , I 've always thought it was your sense of humour that attracted Walter to you , Hilda . ’
20 He always claimed it was me , ’
21 ‘ Y'know what , I still reckon it was him who killed that girl , alibi or no alibi .
22 Even when I played through proxies he must have still known it was me , because one day , 'bout the end of my second year on Mars , I woke up with the blues just like you did .
23 He would be a world-champion tiddly-winks player too if he ever decided it was something worth taking up .
24 That was what was so endearing about him , but she hardly thought it was something she should mention to his brother !
25 Flashman said : ‘ Barry and I took calls on Thursday from someone saying he was Martin Edwards , and we genuinely thought it was him .
26 Oh I always thought it was my ulcer that was causing it , you know , so I was , every time I took it I was taking an extra Samtack
27 ‘ Yes , ’ said Marie , ‘ Simon always said it was you did that to the kiosk .
28 ‘ If Lachlan Cattanach ever learns it was you cut half through his bow-tip he 'll have the hide off you for brogans .
29 ‘ There was a long pause and Dr Runcie said : ‘ Well , I always suspected it was he who had written it , but I never thought there was anything personal in it .
30 I felt because they could n't come up with anything else they brought this up to show it was something it home … it 's all been dropped now I think .
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