Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The students at Cuddesdon still found him very odd , and very unpractical , and very absent-minded , and much given to muttering to himself .
2 Scholars and gentlemen were much given to complaining of the venality and corruption of stationers , but Martyn was to a large extent an exception .
3 If they would only return to playing with their undoubted flair and to enjoying the game as they once did .
4 Terrestrial birds highly adapted to climbing about trees , extracting insect prey from their bark and rotten wood , and also excavating nest holes : tail stiff ( except in Wryneck ) , to act as support against vertical surfaces , with zygodactyl feet ( two toes pointing forwards , two backwards ) but one toe vestigial ; legs short , bill stout ( except Wryneck ) , and tongue very long .
5 The story was current when I was there that this distinguished classical scholar , so accustomed to dealing with the textual problems of Thucydides and Greek epigraphy , was somewhat disconcerted on arriving at Bletchley station to be greeted by an evacuee urchin , jeering : ‘ I 'll read yer secret writing , guv'nor ! ’
6 As anyone who has worked in an English department will know , many of those listening to the lecture will not have done the necessary reading , and are so reduced to hearing about and taking notes on something of which they have not had direct literary experience ( even passing on their notes to friends who were absent from the lecture ) .
7 In the fourth sentence , the focus suddenly shifts to talking about creators in general and how they realize their dreams .
8 Often we are not even aware that fear is affecting our lives because we are so conditioned to living with it .
9 But many of them are failed physicists who found it too hard to invent new theories and so took to writing about the philosophy of physics instead .
10 and it 's a different , it was a different exam to the one she was doing at Cuthbert Main , so I do n't know , erm I 'm not certainly enough qualified to arguing about qualified matters
11 Escapism is n't just limited to dipping into science fiction or a romantic novel .
12 In the Morning Star , a newspaper not given to writing about the rich and over-privileged , Stewart Lane wrote
13 Parents are now full shareholders , no longer limited to voting by proxy through giving their children advice about subject choice .
14 No , I would not object to working with him again . ’
15 It is likely that we will have to add £200 million to the billions of pounds we are already committed to spending on a genocidal weapon , which even from a purely military point of view is regarded as redundant .
16 These sums were separate from the 128,300 million yen which they had already confessed to paying between 1987 and 1990 , and which had been revealed in July 1991 [ see p. 38342 ] .
17 If a beach is ridged at right angles to the land the swash will diverge from the ridges into the furrows , while the backwash will be concentrated into the furrows , thus leading to scouring in them .
18 Speaking to venture capitalists , accountants or lawyers about business plans or any other aspect of a buy-out does not amount to working for the business and if done in working hours , may be a breach of service contract .
19 Says Souness : ‘ I think you realise quite quickly if someone is not suited to playing for you or your club then you do what you have to do . ’
20 Modern silage-making on a large scale involves the use of sophisticated , expensive machinery which is beyond the economy of a smallholding and not suited to working in small fields .
21 This was clear to Leibniz but not at all to Kant , although Leibniz , not surprisingly , found it difficult to provide a satisfactory clarification of the conditions of intelligibility of the idea of existential uniqueness , or explain why should there not be duplicate universes , and was finally reduced to appealing to the idea of a rationally acting God .
22 But this time we were not restricted to looking at them , but could follow them .
23 Of the available types the unification-based grammars appear to be best suited to dealing with a large coverage of English .
24 Siporax requires a much lower flow rate than yours , and is best suited to sitting in plant baskets in an upflow chamber .
25 The Indians in America soon took to travelling on the trains .
26 Control of the party passed to a new generation — the third Earl of Sunderland ( the most experienced , but somewhat erratic ) , James Stanhope , Charles Viscount Townshend , and Sir Robert Walpole — who soon fell to competing amongst themselves for political dominance .
27 It may be true , as some suggest , that working-class budgets would not stretch to paying for the regular use of new birth-control methods but old , tried and cheap techniques might still be used .
28 Tom Clarke , meanwhile , has to persuade a hard core in his own party that acting in concert with the SNP on certain occasions does not equate to dancing with wolves .
29 She also found great pleasure in reading , but although my father had brought to Fontanellato a large number of Slovene books , she had soon to resort to reading in Italian , which she inevitably found more difficult .
30 He was the butler , a gentleman full of his own importance and not usually given to conversing with the lower servants .
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