Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [be] not " in BNC.

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1 Jenny Pitman 's Mailcom is also not badly treated but is not certain to stay .
2 Despite this report , the condition is still rarely diagnosed and is not mentioned in standard medical textbooks or taught in our local medical schools .
3 As regards the patient already dead , the reasoning is that although the patient displays outward manifestations of life , in that , by virtue of the ventilator , breathing and heartbeat are maintained , these manifestations are mechanically induced and are not sustained nor will ever again be sustainable by the patient .
4 When Miss Temple received a letter from Dr Lloyd , agreeing that what I had said was true , she told the whole school that I had been wrongly accused and was not a liar .
5 ‘ If one of our boys was good enough to play and was not getting a chance with Yorkshire , then surely another county would have taken him .
6 Er I think what he 's trying to say about the rich peasants is that er that they were always resisting the movement , it was only later on when they find that you know , that they , they need to get involved otherwise their own positions are er threatened then , then they 're joining and they 're only joining but were not actually participating in it , they 're not moving along , and so that 's what , that 's why he 's making a distinction between different types of peasants .
7 The employee was therefore not dismissed and was not entitled to anything .
8 If B replies no he is inviting A to tell him , while a response of no could be taken to mean that he does not know and is not expecting to be told .
9 He , ‘ the seigneur ’ , hears the ravishing beauty of the song , but can not act and is not free ; they labour and act in a practical fashion , but do not hear .
10 The Divisional Court said that this did not matter and was not caught by section 78 , which the judges stressed was concerned with no more than the narrow question of the effect of the police practice on the fairness of the proceedings in court .
11 The plaintiff did not appear and was not represented .
12 The district judge did not appear and was not represented .
13 The second defendant did not appear and was not represented .
14 The justices did not appear and were not represented .
15 The second to ninth defendants did not appear and were not represented .
16 The only specified penalty for the six republics which had not participated and were not expected to sign the Treaty ( Armenia , Estonia , Georgia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia ) , was that they would thereby be excluded from a new " common economic space " .
17 Do we have any knowledge of events which we have not experienced or are not now experiencing ?
18 The actual source of life is not known and is not to be attributed to the God that mankind can worship , that is , a definable God developed with life , and therefore not responsible for its origin .
19 in this case the defender was not insured and was not licensed but an insurer was conducting a holding defence while they considered whether they should repudiate liability under a policy issued to the owner of the vehicle and persons taking the vehicle on hire .
20 These can only give extra benefits to those legal rights just discussed and are not permitted to affect them .
21 The backlog left by his predecessor ( T. M. Cooper , Baron Cooper of Culross , q.v. ) was soon cleared and was not allowed to build up again .
22 So it is fanciful to suppose that Labour 's conversion somehow can not last and is not real .
23 Do not use zinc as a pure chemical with fish ; locked up in the seed it is slowly used and is not present in an overwhelming amount .
24 This mistake had been innocently made and was not noticed by either party until November 1989 , whereupon the Crown asserted that the agreement was ineffective and started proceedings before the General Commissioners with a view to transferring the matter to the Special Commissioners .
25 The standards of competence , on which the qualifications are based , are nationally accepted and are not peculiar to an individual examining body .
26 Magistrates who deal with family matters have been specially trained and are not allowed to sit in the Family Court until that training has been completed .
27 The boundary between these two was carefully guarded but was not impassable .
28 With multimedia , people do not really explore and are not empowered .
29 For instance , where labour is either particularly demanding or is not in itself particularly fulfilling or interesting one could reasonably say it is in the interests of the workers concerned to work short hours and/or work at a relatively low intensity of labour .
30 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
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