Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] about [det] " in BNC.

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1 But what most impresses you about this phenomenal piece of theatre is less its class affiliations than its national attributes : a drama of mutinous impulses crushed by an authoritarian social system is given consummate rendering by a cast who very triumphantly unite energy and discipline .
2 " Yes , we 'd better do something about that . "
3 So tell me about this Rose Bowl of yours , ’ he said , leaning back and signalling the waiter for another bottle of wine .
4 So tell me about this case of yours . ’
5 They only tell you about that bit .
6 I think I 'd have to actually , should have perhaps warned you about this , but er , er , in point of fact , not too many people got this , I think there was one of two that got this wrong .
7 Yeah , he only shoved ten pence in to tell me about that giro .
8 We a we already asked him about that actually .
9 ‘ I 've not heard anything about this . ’
10 I had not heard anything about these guys .
11 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
12 these be a bit user friendly , cor blimey , just cut it about all things down and put a chocolate strip in , plenty of room in the handle
13 Future generations of composers will damn our spinelessness if we do not do something about this proposal , and they will be right .
14 If the government is locked into a policy of expanding the money supply at some pre-announced rate it can not do anything about this possibly severe recession .
15 Why have the Government not done something about that ?
16 This girl just told me about this Polo factory outlet up near Canada … you can get a $200 knitted sweater for , like $20 — that 's outrageous ! ’
17 Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl 's problem .
18 I ought to be in bed , he thought , not worrying myself about such things .
19 Have I already told you about that one ?
20 ‘ I expect they 've already told you about those . ’
21 ( Actually , it is Oxford University Press , but we can be sure of this only because we already know something about this publisher . )
22 Just tell them about this product , what it can do , and I assure you of the results .
23 Expressed in another way , in attributing existence to an entity one is not saying anything about that entity that has not already been said by naming it .
24 Faith did not tell me about this , you know , she would have realised how angry I should be .
25 ‘ The police have already asked us about this .
26 Now of what we 've been doing today with fractions was there any of it that you 're not quite sure of and you think , But could you just tell me about that bit again .
27 I 'll just tell you about this Can I just tell you about this just for a minute ?
28 I 'll just tell you about this Can I just tell you about this just for a minute ?
29 Now she 'd got to have a double punishment , still she would soon put it about that Elissia and Daryl had planted the spider in Mary- Lou 's desk .
30 But first a little bit of background , cos I 'm sure you 've all read through the the notice and details about me , but I 'll just remind you about some highlights .
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