Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I first came out I stayed with Julia and I 've since heard from her to say well done , ’ says Corinne .
2 The shoulder-mount design is typical of standard and super VHS machines which have thereby come to he associated with semi-pro use .
3 Only I would much prefer for us to stay here … ’
4 There was another silence , only broken by her sobbing .
5 As for Dinah , she was so greatly given to her acting that she took no notice of any of the young men .
6 I ca n't think that all that much goes through you know , to be honest .
7 Another time I was so fascinated by her clicking needles that she offered to teach me to knit as well .
8 When Allen at last found a crevice secure enough to trust to he looked over to find that he was peering into the little courtyard onto the rain-wet backs of the dejected horses .
9 He confronted Julie Stott , 27 , and her companion , Peter Ellis , 27 , forced them to lie spreadeagled on the ground , and apparently shouted for them to hand over their money and watches .
10 So forget about you know , like think of a cage of swallows .
11 She is weak for lack of good food , she has plainly suffered from rickets , her body is not yet sufficiently mature for her to carry a child successfully to term , and on top of all that her baby is coming in quite the wrong fashion .
12 Whereas a white youth may have visions of becoming a successful sportsman , his parents may have a strong enough hold over him to deflect him and set him on course for a ‘ straight ’ job ; often this is not the case with blacks .
13 It suddenly seemed to him to have been lull of long damp nights sleeping under the stars , desperate fights with trolls , city guards , countless bandits and evil priests and , on at least three occasions , actual demigods — and for what ?
14 The company said it could no longer afford the £320,000 membership fee and claimed open systems standards were widely enough accepted for it to leave .
15 Er had it been something that you 'd long sought after you know , like like in the mines where it had been an issue for some years ?
16 She looked at him expectantly , but rather to her surprise he merely nodded for her to continue .
17 Sarah was now his wife , and he had only to look at her to know he had done the right thing .
18 ‘ You have only to look at him to see he is some sort of a relation , ’ she said sharply .
19 " It 's a celebration , " said Nenna , coming up to the hatch , " they 're only waiting for you to come .
20 Life was a slow , blissful progress towards an unnamed but predecided climax which we both realized was there , only waiting for us to reach it .
21 And of course there 's enough chuntering for them to appear divided as well . ’
22 He was still motionless , standing at the edge of the wood , perhaps waiting for them to leave .
23 Other may sit there stubbornly waiting for you to tell them what they are meant to do whilst making it abundantly clear that the session is hardly welcome , indeed is being conducted almost under duress .
24 The British were mistaken in supposing that they continued to have the same sovereign and therefore the same national identity vis-à-vis the outside world as the Canadians .
25 Annunziata stood absolutely straight and with all the dignity that Julia so admired in her shook her head .
26 The horse blew great jets of steam from its nostrils as it stood on the towpath , patiently waiting for them to board .
27 The nest was built whilst the truck was in use , so the bird must have been patiently waiting for it to return after each journey so that it could carry on with nest building .
28 They were merely waiting for me to say my part .
29 Since the start of the Troubles , a number of loyalist trade unionists had tried to create a province-wide organization of unionist workers and by late 1973 the plans of men such as Billy Kelly , a power workers ' shop steward , Billy Hull , ex-Northern Ireland Labour Party , and Hugh Petrie , a precision engineer from Shorts , were sufficiently advanced for them to propose to the loyalist politicians that the province could be brought to a halt by a strike .
30 BELVILLE : Well , I believe she now only waits for you to drive her .
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