Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But it was certainly not one-way traffic in front of an absorbed 19,528 crowd although Dean Saunders had the ball in the net for Villa as early as the tenth minute only to see it wiped out for offside .
2 Every time she was about to put a foot on the floor she suddenly found herself tucked up under the bedclothes again .
3 Anywhere that was obviously occupied he drove on past , as he did with any place that was exposed or too close to the main road , but deserted-looking buildings on village outskirts and elevated rows that were set back from the road generally rated at least a circling-around and a second look .
4 But what he lacked in build he made up for in speed and skill , nipping in and out of solid defences with astounding ease .
5 A chap can be supervising a spiffing archaeological dig on the Eastern fringes of the Soviet Union one day , only to find himself banged up in a Moscow jail on highly dubious spying charges the next .
6 I was so rattled I glanced round to make sure this was n't a signal for an army of bunnies like this Dobermann of a beast to come up from behind and tear me to shreds .
7 Zen sat down on the large sofa which occupied most of one wall , thinking about that last card which he 'd fondly thought he had up his sleeve .
8 Much relieved I handed over without a word .
9 After fifteen minutes on the Metro to Nevski Prospect I was met by a teeming downpour , heavy enough to keep me holed up under cover until ten minutes before the performance was due to start , and with the hall some hundreds of yards away along a back-street .
10 And so saying she gathered up her shawl , adjusted her mittens and scuttled from the room .
11 So saying he went back inside and banged his door shut behind him .
12 So saying he set off with Rob and Tess at his heels to head for the high moor .
13 So saying he backed out into the corridor again , where Shiona caught a glimpse of the frowning faces of a couple of uniformed railway officials .
14 ‘ So … if the kitchen bag had just been changed and the photos were on the top outside , it can only mean he threw out the photos in the last couple of days . ’
15 When they got to the florist and Georg saw his father emerging he really was cross , so cross he leapt out from the driver 's seat and intercepted Willi on the pavement .
16 He was glad to hear that their priests were telling the people that the potato murrain was a visitation of the Almighty ; he only hoped they went on to draw the full lesson .
17 Only to say I came back and saw glass as another might see it .
18 After they had gone a complete silence that only reflected itself settled down like lead and was broken only by the sound of Moran removing his boots to go to bed early .
19 To better appreciate the size of the sea , one can perhaps imagine it heaped up into a cube .
20 When payment for games totalling more than £7,000 was not received he wrote back to the bank and received two additional references on December 18 , 1990 and January 15 , 1991 confirming that the company was good for up to £10,000 .
21 Oh well we d did n't know if we were supposed to be congregating with rest of the people , or what so we just wandered we wandered down the hall
22 And they do not need it spelt out how important it is to promote Orlando 's image as a safe and healthy resort .
23 Any unwanted guest soon found himself bundled down to one of the lower floors .
24 When he was not looking I came down and took the car .
25 The triteness and immaturity of her own words and attitudes embarrassed Lee but she could not withhold what streamed out .
26 When it would not light they ran off , leaving the injured boy in a shed near a Leeds shopping centre .
27 And with a calm purpose that he did not feel he went out into the street .
28 Because Uncle Mosse left his door unlocked all the time at the end and he did not mind who came in and out , as he said .
29 And the ground defence system had not got one shot off in retaliation .
30 He 's not got himself sorted out , Tim .
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