Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 When I was in police custody the doctor came in to see me and gave me some tablets and I 'm asking you for some now . ’
2 Every day objects , now grown quaint with age , evoke memories in everyone old enough to remember them and give youngsters a chance to see how their grandparents lived .
3 Thank you very much Mr President and as you 've been friendly enough to invite me and given me such a friendly welcome , I , I thought I ought to risk speaking to you as candidly as I can about what is going on in our country and our communities at the moment and whether by the end of the thing I continue your friend is another matter .
4 What guarantee do we have that , when we have to converge with , for example , the Greeks , Portuguese and Italians , the money transferred from our pockets to theirs will not merely impoverish us and give money to those who have not earned it while we have to work harder for less and pay higher interest rates ?
5 but er , as I say I ca n't remember precisely , I just scanned it and give it to Mick who was out the door like , Lesley put her house up for a hundred and twenty six erm , one how much is it ?
6 Then one day a visitor called and gave me his card , so I just took it and gave it to the master in the drawing room .
7 The government agreed not to expand them and to give the country 's human rights prosecutor the power to recommend legal action if they committed crimes .
8 ‘ Lisa was in constant agony , but I could n't even comfort her or give her a cuddle because of the plaster . ’
9 ‘ I would n't demean myself or give your ego the satisfaction ! ’
10 They were a little startled to see two hippies and a Paki walk in ; there was some conversation on the subject and several glances in our direction , so I made sure we did n't eyeball them and give them reason to get upset .
11 A brief structural guide is all I 'm after … and then my tutor wo n't kill me and give me bad references for being a lazy git ( which I admittedly am ) ( This was supposed to be in last july ! ! ! )
12 His dad was with him at the race , but he could n't find him and gave the grenade to a marshal .
13 Either to , you know , write down delegation that you 're giving somebody , and then photocopy it and give it to them .
14 Luke Calder 's presence at the station was a fact of life , and she had to learn how to handle it or give up her job , and pride would never allow her to do that and let him know he had won .
15 I think I went down to most people to say they ca n't , but when you point out something to them , they say yes I can see that , look there 's this as well and I think culturally er were led to believe if you do n't succeed in it , erm but in actual fact I think that you all do , but perhaps I think the books do , either assess it and give it value or , or still allow it to happen
16 The spherical objects are very fragile and must be guided by Steg , to do this he must either nudge them or give them a quick blow ( erm … yes , fair enough — Ed ) .
17 Breaking up the surface is well worth avoiding , firstly to save it and give yourself another heavenly run tomorrow , and secondly because when your edges start to catch it 's not much fun to ski and can be dangerous .
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