Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't write anything , I send the tape in , they do n't know who you are you 're just a it 's just a voice speaking nobody knows who you are or anything , they only know me nobody else .
2 Well , the thing I mainly notice when last week when Paul was home , not last week , the week before last I had Paul solidly at home , he moved himself entirely in lock , stock and barrel at the weekend , he was then with me waiting for his job and he went out every day and did little bit 's of shopping for me , got him from under my feet , saved me money , cos I was only buying what I absolutely needed , and the amount of time that I had , I mean I was able to go out for the whole day with Peggy on Wednesday , I was able to get food prepared and , admittedly I did n't manage to get as much done as I thought I was going to do , but then I think that 's with most people in life ,
3 That goes without saying ; for instance , that charming staff member in Dublin was only doing what she always did so well .
4 The effect of living with this knowledge and using this skill raises the consciousness of the insider , perhaps giving him his most effective methodological tool .
5 ‘ I only did what anyone else who loved him would have done .
6 Lyle 's par four not only gave him his most crucial win since the 1988 US Masters but relegated winless Montgomerie to runner-up for the fourth time this year .
7 Better offer her one occasionally .
8 ‘ Today 's events only confirmed what we already knew . ’
9 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
10 So have I. I just got mine frae Ferguson 's the now . ’
11 He just thinks she he just fantasize about them .
12 Kevin 's been done but I 've not given him anything back in writing yet , which I 've go to do .
13 I 've already given him one actually .
14 I thought , oh , he just needs someone who really loves him and will look after him … ’
15 The answer to that is that nine times out of ten you do not know what you really want , you do not know your own mind and have not made a choice .
16 Mrs Mack said she could not accept the offer : ‘ £6m would not buy what I already have , which I want to keep .
17 I can easily do you something else . ’
18 Do n't just do what you normally do .
19 But you can not do one you only do one you ca n't do both .
20 ‘ Look , we 've got him some pyjamas — all right , but why not give him something else as well ?
21 Mark can not believe what he just did .
22 But both sides knew it finally confirmed what they already knew .
23 The curriculum , as it is , functions to make children with severe learning difficulties as near normal as possible — the means to the end — not to enhance who they actually are .
24 But it does lead inevitably to ignorance , for you can not understand what you deliberately chose to have no truck with .
25 ‘ Mr Carpenter had not told us anyone else was coming . ’
26 Your information largely confirms what we already knew , and I trust we shall not need to trouble you again . ’
27 Maybe just give him something so it 's so cold as well
28 He does not see what he so much wants to , the snow leopard , though he sees the evidence of its being which is , curiously , sufficient for him , despite his disappointment .
29 He shook his head a fraction and his gaze slid to the door and back — but even searching the hyacinth radiance around his head she could not guess what he really meant to do .
30 By the wonderful smell I assume dinner is already under way , so just tell me what else you intend us to eat and I 'll see to it . ’
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