Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Thinking that if he ignored her , did n't show even a whisper of interest in her , she would give up and go home under her own steam , thereby allowing her to rescue some of her dignity .
2 And it struck me straight away that although the twentieth century as it marched on made us look more and more like Americans , we are Europeans , we always have been Europeans , our roots are there , our culture 's there and of course in the late twentieth century our economic needs , and the geographical links , the electronic links mean that we are there whether we like it or not .
3 Hang on , hang on Has anyone got some spare money I could pay 'em back ?
4 Someone suggested she touch up her lipstick , but make-up only made her look more than ever like the Spitting Image puppet of Bette Midler .
5 As markers , we would be happy enough to see you argue either way as long as you recognized that there is indeed room for argument over this point .
6 Fred apparently thinks we initiated this policy , and resents the fact that he will no longer be able to produce a certain number of high-quality meals .
7 The first was over the board 's decision to close the senior staff dining-room and require staff to eat in the staff canteen : Fred apparently thinks you initiated this policy , and resents the fact that he will no longer be able to produce a limited number of high-quality meals and thus ingratiate himself with the senior staff .
8 I would accept , however , that this court 's appellate jurisdiction is wide enough to enable it to entertain such an application .
9 The fact that manufacturer B produced a safer razor after the razor in question had been supplied by manufacturer A is not enough to enable us to say that manufacturer A's razor was defective .
10 Now how long has she left that sitting there ?
11 Right so has anybody got any sort of strong opinions about who should go ?
12 So has anybody got any com any other comments about the individual sectors in the light of that ?
13 and they thought , they said then it was connected with the accident , erm because it , you know , she was in such a bad way , and , the other fellow was to blame , I think he 'd been drinking , I 'm not sure , but they 're claiming off the insurance and they reckon she 's gon na be entitled to around a hundred thousand pounds compensation , because , not only has she had these physical injuries , but because she had a knock on the head it 's also affecting her mental state
14 Not only has she attracted more publicity than any other naval vessel since the Mary Rose , but she was n't even entirely British .
15 One moment there was glass , and the next there were bits of glass , drifting out like a jigsaw puzzle where every piece had suddenly decided it wanted some personal space .
16 The three leading parties have all said they favour such a move .
17 The hunt only made one kill that day .
18 Sometimes I hear something and I think it 's really different and exciting , and it inspires me to perhaps do something like that on the next record .
19 ‘ I 've played for Utah Jazz against the very best in America — including Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan — in front of 40,000 fans and I only hope I put that experience to good use .
20 I only hope I get another chance either this season or next season .
21 I 'm afraid I 've hurt you , so perhaps wanting you to do this will somehow make amends .
22 ‘ I do n't know if it should be that important if everything we do is based on good sound scientific principles , because if people perhaps in the same industry are situated in different places in the estuary , y'know , if one was to point the finger at the other and say ‘ But you allow him to discharge such and such and you only let us do this ’ , then we should be able to turn round and say , ‘ Ah yes , but you 're discharging in a different place and the river quality in this different place needs different treatment . ’
23 Right so let me make that clear again .
24 So let me do this for you instead .
25 So let me put that vote to the hundred , do you think every woman has a right to have a child , or to try to have a child ?
26 So let me begin this discussion then of of channels by er pointing out the methods that have been used for studying channels , and for some of you who 've done the er neurophysiology course this will er be revision but nevertheless it will be pertinent to today 's discussion .
27 my granddad yeah , yeah but my granddad , he 's Scotch my other granddad was a German , me grandma were Jewish and I were born in London so let them fathom that out .
28 So let us examine this problem of ‘ force feeding ’ more closely .
29 His statement implies that we are not yet out of the recession , so let us borrow some more , increase the PSBR , and do the Keynesian thing which , a few years ago , we did not think we should do , and perhaps that will get us out of the recession by the time of the election .
30 It so happens I spent most of mine at the cinema .
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