Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Said she wanted somewhere better to bring up her baby . ’
2 One only has to read out their names — Sir Julian , Sir Geoffrey , Sir Michael and Sir Robin et al , to be transported back if not to Camelot then to an Excalibur lager commercial .
3 ‘ You are now better equipped to carry out your challenging task of educational evaluation .
4 The Prussians were horrified to learn that in Pomerania and Danzig the surviving Polish nobility were reluctant to work for the new authorities and much preferred to lease out their estates to tenant farmers while they lived off the income in Warsaw .
5 South of the firth are gentle hills such as the Lomonds , attractively breaking the otherwise unremarkable skyline and not harsh enough to impede farming up their shallow slopes .
6 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
7 You 'll obviously have to give up your job , now that you 're pregnant , and maybe restoring the castle to its former glory would be something to both occupy your time and exercise your brain .
8 Now Bubble , who had n't had much time to reflect on his England-experience , was obviously starting to think over his position .
9 Then with a terrifying amount of common sense I searched out the candles , and , obviously having used up my common sense I went to watch television .
10 Irate with frustration through constantly having to pick up my pencils after bending over , I really thought I 'd cracked it when I bought a ‘ posh ’ mechanical pencil , with a clip .
11 She went steadily on , from foothold to foothold , only stopping to peel off her glove now and then and push a finger into the wet fringed mouth of a sea-anemone , but mostly she concentrated on the next step , the next handhold , with the sea on one side of her , the swell of grassy land the other .
12 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
13 That is probably the worst one day figure which happened , as I say , combination of war and the snow , when the shops were pretty well closed off , and yes we certainly saw figures that , on a day for day basis to last year , they were seventy five per cent down , but cumulative I mean the position 's much better than that erm nowhere near that sort of figure , and erm we are very confident that the summer market for overseas holidays will recover steadily and we 'd be very surprised if , by the end of September , we 're more than five or six per cent down on summer holiday bookings compared to last year , and we 're confident enough to have brought back our campaigns and our advertising starts this week , and we 've even been confident enough to announce to our staff that their annual salary review will take place on the first of April as scheduled .
14 He could have seen Piers was only trying to cover up his feeling of insecurity .
15 What he 's saying to us here is that that there is a reason that Jesus had been condemned and that those who had the authority to do so had carried out their work .
16 When the balance sheet was finally totted up after the war , it was estimated that 1O , OOO Frenchmen alone had laid down their lives on this one small corner of France .
17 It turned out that East German security merely wanted to take away their identity cards so they could be formally ‘ expelled ’ .
18 His courage had returned now that he knew the tiger was only proposing to gobble up his oxen , not him .
19 Part way through the reconstructed Violin Concerto ( a realization which emerged only as recently as 1988 ) we experience a triumphant surge of spirit in the music as it quite literally attempts to shake off its chains .
20 Now we only need to jack up our airlines , and hotels . ’
21 Colleagues , if this government is so blatantly prepared to sell out its own workers in such a public manner , then there will surely be no limit to the steps they will be prepared to take to further reduce union power .
22 Time , you old gypsy man , Will you not stay Put up your caravan Just for one day ?
23 They did not want to repudiate totally their previous policies , yet had to recognise the disaster of which they had been part .
24 ‘ In difficult times people want value for money but do not want to give up their favourite designer label brands .
25 ‘ In difficult times people want value for money but do not want to give up their favourite designer label brands .
26 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman does not want to talk down his home city .
27 For investors who do not want to tie up their money for a year in an income bond , Town & Country 's ( tel : 01-353 1476 ) new Classic investment account is paying 12 per cent net of basic rate tax for sums of £25,000 and over .
28 These specialists or ‘ consultants ’ are not intended to teach only their own subject .
29 ‘ Well , he 's here to look after my boat , not to go sniffing around my cousin ! ’
30 For example , in at least some authorities , ‘ care manager ’ is a new job with enhanced responsibilities ( and remuneration ) compared to , say , a social worker post , while key workers were not expected to alter significantly their job content .
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