Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Selina donned an apron and put her hair up under a baseball cap and prickled with female make-do and knowhow , while Mandy and Debby took it in turns to amuse me downstairs .
2 The commonest and most visible indices of field officer performance are negative , as an agency head explained : ‘ An area supervisor will sit there and say , ‘ So and so has let me down again .
3 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
4 O K so look let me just go through these notices er for today 's tutorial period , one or two changes erm again a thought for the week from the chaplain to begin with , during the approaching season of Lent , the best thing we can do is to centre our thoughts on what Jesus Christ did for us through his passion , death and resurrection .
5 Dennis thoughtfully offered to drop me off in town .
6 Erm actually I 've spoken to Ian at erm Newark TEC , and he 's already arranged to see me tomorrow afternoon .
7 But they just tried to push me out .
8 It was n't a date or anything — he just came to take me there .
9 Please do not hesitate to contact me here at the above number if you have any other queries or concerns .
10 Donaldson said , ‘ Are you finally going to tell me why I 'm here ? ’
11 I hope you 're not going to give me as much trouble as Puck gave to the lovers in the play , ’ Lucenzo murmured , a sliver of steel-tipped menace in his tone .
12 ‘ They 're not going to lay me out yet , you know . ’
13 It could have been a lot worse , it 's not going to hold me up too much .
15 ‘ They 're not going to let me in , ’ John says .
16 ‘ George , you 're not going to get me as bad-tempered as you are . ’
17 Not going to pay me back for the bloody nose , even if you did nearly knock my head off ? ’
18 ‘ And you 're not going to tell me why ? ’
19 They just happened to move me off into this quieter road .
20 ‘ His jailers were certain he intended to have me killed , or they would not have treated me thus . ’
21 Were I her honoured guest , she could not have used me more generously . ’
22 ‘ This was equally true of the teachers , since they , together with the headmaster , could have decided to stop my research whenever they felt it threaten them ; equally , if they had accepted me with open arms it would have meant that the boys would not have trusted me greatly . ’
23 It could not have suited me better .
24 There was a sense of the primeval about the place , and it would not have surprised me unduly to see a pterodactyl alight clumsily , or a dinosaur emerge from behind the rocks .
25 That evening , long after the dark had finally driven even me inside , I mentioned the beauty of the twilight .
26 Yet fear it I did , so greatly did the idea come to me that if I took her up to the cave to meet Elsbeth , she would somehow have trapped me instead of I her .
27 You see , he does not intend to cast me off , not at all .
28 Just so long as you are not intending to ask me not to leave London .
29 When Pope John xxiii visited prison he said to the inmates ‘ You could not come to see me so I have come to see you . ’
30 Gharr had already tried to get me out of the way — probably thinking that Mala would collect it and her too .
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