Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [been] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 The decoration around the windows and along the string-course is delightful , the corbels especially having been sculpted into a strange and compelling variety of animals , monsters and more or less human figures .
2 If we sort of reverse things in our minds eye , and look backwards into the past history of the universe , we can come to a time where apparently all the material in the universe would have been on top of itself , that it would all have been squeezed into a point , and this moment sometimes people call the big bang , or the initial singularity .
3 An individual term may be ineffective in law ; or the terms as a whole may not have been incorporated into the contract in question .
4 It is true that , without guillotines then , the Bills could not have been brought into operation .
5 This is a Latin phrase meaning the ‘ date after which ’ , and only means that the artefact could not have been put into the spoil after it had been dumped , but of course , could be many years earlier in date .
6 If God 's law had been obeyed , then the children could not have been sold into slavery .
7 It is no conceded that that figure included matters which should not have been taken into consideration , such as the agency quotes mark-up unquotes and the effect of V A T. Figures making allowance for appropriate deductions but also including what I 've said by Mr to be appropriate increases totalling one hundred and sixty thous one hundred and sixty six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds , are claimed on behalf of the plaintiff .
8 Both pieces of legislation should already have been incorporated into UK law , although neither applies until 1 January 1993 .
9 The wider interests of disabled people could not easily have been taken into account in that case but they were undoubtedly relevant .
10 Thus unreasonable or unusual terms may be held not to have been incorporated into the contract unless special notice of them is given in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
11 ‘ If a judgment requires , before it can be made , the existence of some facts then , although the evaluation of those facts is for the Secretary of State alone , the court must inquire whether those facts exist , and have been taken into account , whether the judgment has been made upon a proper self-direction as to those facts , whether the judgment has not been made upon other facts which ought not to have been taken into account .
12 The packaging of imported products has continued to fascinate him , for intrinsic qualities — — the names , the colours and the designs — but also no doubt because of the way products from far away have been integrated into the domestic Mexican environment .
13 Eastbourne may also have been stung into action by yesterday 's Daily Telegraph in which your correspondent suggested Shrewsbury were a good bet .
14 No one will BE the same from now on having been drawn into the realms of mystery and taken to new depths .
15 Her chest ached sharply , too , just as though someone really had been hitting into it .
16 The two rays behind have been turned into a locking device on the joint of its base .
17 The Church in Abyssinia had been rescued from extinction with the help of the Portuguese : without their intervention the Abyssinians might well have been absorbed into the adjacent Muslim world .
18 There was a fight of some kind going on to my left ; all the people who a minute ago had been fleeing into the bush were just as suddenly pouring back .
19 My forest of trees could indeed have been turned into a forest of nerves , with each jagged branch poking into that guilty skull like the accusing fingers of God 's darker or more vengeful angels .
20 On the one hand we can see it as a master stroke of the Devil : Christians and humans everywhere have been forced into private enclaves cut off from the public world and each other .
21 Because proteins are made of amino acids , if protein synthesis is blocked by giving an inhibitor , amino acids which would otherwise have been converted into proteins tend to accumulate in the cell .
22 Although the 1914–18 war quickened the speed of the decline in fertility and resulted , during a loss of around 600,000 unborn children who would otherwise have been brought into the world , at no time did the rate touch the low level at which it stood in 1939 .
23 I was still on the shores of the same great sea and yet had been transported into quite another world , a place on the edge of a China which seemed to have nothing in common with those islanders so forgotten and so far away .
24 Erm that again had been rolled into balls and then he 'd have erm about a dozen sticks which which held these balls and stuck them in then after he 'd he 'd erm er thatched one erm length , one row , he 'd pull the string over and attach it to the the thick s er rope that was er going over the stack .
25 Because had there been no breach , the contract would never have been entered into in the first place and the er plaintiffs will rely upon that erm recent court appeal decision between and er against where the court of appeal indicated that if you are dealing with a case where the plaintiff was saying had there been no breach of contract , this is a transaction we would never have entered in to then the plaintiffs are entitled to recover compensation on that basis .
26 These were not understood by the workers and the management on the floor , and indeed should never have been put into operation .
27 Yet even as she felt humiliated on his behalf she recognized that she too had been drawn into complicity with Emilia 's will .
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