Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [been] [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
2 We will be recording er , talking to individual groups that are interested in , in er expressing their views , particularly groups that perhaps have been involved with the protest , and er are you know , not happy with , with some aspects of the motorway .
3 ALTHOUGH the bond market generally has been yo-yoing with the fortunes of the Gulf war , one issue is selling like hot bagels .
4 While they might not have been popular with the depot staff , the crews and passengers loved them .
5 One of the great advantages that we had in the ‘ twenties was comparatively safe and clear streets , parked cars would have stopped many of our games and I imagine that tops would not have been popular with car owners .
6 The Crown 's failure to present such an argument may not have been unconnected with the tension existing between the King and the north American colonies consequent upon the recent Boston Tea Party .
7 In an attempt to find the causes for their disappointment many who would normally have been content with everyday party politics turned to more radical solutions .
8 None of the studies described above have been concerned with patients suffering from serious psychiatric illness or being at immediate risk of suicide .
9 What could possibly have been wrong with the books ?
10 That figural designs began to occur in the west in any numbers ( i.e. not counting the very early example from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 ) in approximately the same period as a further development of figural design is apparent in the southeast , is an interesting possibility : this may also have been contemporary with the first appearance of fully centralised designs .
11 The bulk of this book so far has been concerned with looking at what happens when people lose something .
12 Research so far has been concerned with one segment of A , catalogue use .
13 A lot of our discussion so far has been concerned with this kind of " saying " , but I have purposely avoided introducing any of the technical jargon of semiotics ( the theory of signs ) and this is now leading me into difficulty because the ordinary use of words in social anthropological discourse is crudely imprecise .
14 The majority of the discussion so far has been concerned with the assessment of children 's artistic rather than their aesthetic development .
15 A visit to the local supermarket may well be within their experience , but they may not really have been involved with the shopping itself .
16 The activities described so far have been concerned with periodically recurring factors relating to corporate planning and monitoring of results as part of functional management .
17 However , when the play was written ( in 1601 ) Shakespeare may well have been familiar with the Latin or Greek version , but his audience in the main would not .
18 Karl-Heinz Kretschmer resigned as the ( CDU ) deputy Minister President of Brandenburg following accusations that he too had been involved with the Stasi , and two PDS deputies in the Saxony-Anhalt parliament , Gunter Scholz and Rolf Funda , resigned their seats for the same reason on the recommendation of the party .
19 Not the desire to destroy it , but rather to turn time back and let me never have been involved with it .
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