Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [Wh det] went [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the darkness he could not see what went on further down the line , but obviously the same problems would prevail there .
2 To see this argument as somehow cancelling what went before is probably to interpret the pamphlet according to modern and anachronistic notions of authorial intention , character utterance , and textual unity ( all three notions privileging what is said finally as being more truthful than what went before ) .
3 Of course I totally forgive what went before .
4 He could no more understand what went on in a twenty-year-old 's head than fly to the moon .
5 Not that he could always fathom what went on in Morton 's head .
6 ‘ I do n't really know what went on from there .
7 The Japanese are now the only ones who do n't know what went on . ’
8 ‘ I could n't see what went on behind the screen .
9 ‘ I do n't care what went on at the party unless it was blatantly against the law .
10 You have n't mentioned what went on to anyone else , have you , Mrs Lewis ? ’
11 She said she had never realised what went on before as she went round and inhabited each seat and became the person .
12 We shall probably never know what went on behind the scenes when these phrases were added to the documents .
13 One ‘ unofficial ’ source told me ‘ the club did nt mind what went on with young Ryan on away trips — after all they were roommates and what roommates do — well they do at this club anyway — but Sir Matt 's dog !
14 ‘ I never knew what went on on the lorries , ’ he said .
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