Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [is] that it " in BNC.

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1 The view most favoured is that it could , by the intervention of an official and by means of his coercion .
2 One reason why chalcedony has been so highly esteemed is that it lends itself to a variety of decorative treatments .
3 What is certain is that , although a lot of ‘ experts ’ are ready to tell you what to do — and you may be the kind of gardener who merely wants a set of step-by-step instructions — the point entirely missing is that it is you , and only you , who has to use your judgement and make the decisions .
4 THOMPSON : ‘ All I 've just said is that it was not a good enough explanation of what I got and I do n't think anybody has been told , not only to the media out there , myself who is the most important one .
5 The second reason why playing the numbers game with female and male psychologists does not work is that it involves equating women with feminists .
6 For one of the reasons given by people for not complaining is that it is a waste of time to do so .
7 Okay but all I was just saying is that it would be helpful that before we that Ian has seen through these
8 It is impossible to describe in a few words , but one thing that many knitters do not realise is that it can be worked from either left or right and that some people find one side much easier than the other ( not necessarily related to whether you are right or left handed either ! ) .
9 What he characteristically does not say is that it was he who kept the Pythons together .
10 The assumption usually made is that it should be the teachers in schools who review the curriculum .
11 A further reason that may be advanced for insisting that police interference of whatever kind must be legally justified is that it is an understandable human reaction to respond with some indignation to an allegation or suspicion believed by its object to be unjustified .
12 What is less often recognized is that it was distinctly innovatory , marking important breaks with earlier theories of female sexuality and helping to generate an intellectual climate favourable to regulationism .
13 What is often forgotten is that it is us who have to pay to have it cleared up .
14 But , but they 're saying that , ooh apart from I think the what they 're really saying is that it 's better to wait till in
15 If you buy a ‘ Rolex ’ watch for £50 , you know it 's unlikely to be genuine , but what you would n't know is that it may only be worth £5 .
16 ‘ What Governor Clinton does n't understand is that it 's the people in the voting booths that matter . ’
17 ‘ But what you do n't understand is that it 's Leo I 'm doing it for . ’
18 But what the tār does n't realize is that it makes a perfect target for a gun , stuck up there with its pale fur as clearly visible against the dark rock as the moon is in the sky at night . ’
19 The answer we readily give is that it is significant because it sums up the gospel .
20 But the critical thing with I twelve as the policy 's currently drafted is that it is location specific .
21 The only element specifically defined is that it includes unconsciousness ; otherwise , its definition remains vague .
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