Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The denial of prejudice is strategic , but ‘ we thereby want to convey that the move is strategical only relative to the goal of ‘ making a good impression ’ , rather than to the goal of being ‘ sincere and honest ’ ( p. 127 ) .
2 He presumably wants to say that the idea that there can be a general definition of the economic sphere is a residue of the classical claim that it is defined in terms of some universal trait such as human needs .
3 The appropriate strategy is perhaps to wait to determine whether the Japanese businessman is prepared to offer his hand for a handshake or whether he is going to bow .
4 People who are denied political privileges like this on the ground that they are not standard items naturally tend to reply that the charge is false — to claim that they are actually just as standard as everybody else .
5 But Eleanor Young , chairman of Darlington Community Health Council , said : ‘ We would only want to know if the hospital was going to have any effect on NHS provision .
6 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
7 To that , one only has to respond that the tax burden is greater and the economy is in worse condition than before Thatcher embarked on it .
8 The house was ablaze with lights , and the sound of music coming from inside seemed to promise that the party would not be as dull as Sophie feared .
9 The time-honoured method has been by urine testing , but with the renal threshold in the not so elderly being of the order of 10 mmol/1 glycosuria is only going to occur when the blood glucose is in double figures .
10 Once we have separated the question of obligation from that of responsibility , we naturally begin to wonder whether the debate about the scope of contractual obligations has been confused by an inappropriate amalgamation of the issues .
11 That he has not done so tends to confirm that the firing was a spontaneous action triggered by the unexpected escalation of Mr Buchanan 's attack on the NEA .
12 But while this explosion of concern for the plight of animals , species and natural habitats may seem new and unprecedented , it is perhaps reassuring to discover that the basic issues involved belong to an ancient tradition .
13 As to inland waters , the UK apparently intends to argue that the controlling factor in eutrophication is not nitrate but phosphate .
14 The performers say their confidence only began to wane after the filming was over .
15 It was discovered that the peat only began to grow after the site was abandoned and a radiocarbon date for the beginning of this growth gave about 1000 BC .
16 For many , even Jewish descent only started to matter when the Nazi racial madness decreed that it should define them .
17 If we may imagine bat brains as building up an image of the world analogous to our visual images , the pulse rate alone seems to suggest that the bat 's echo image might be at least as detailed and " continuous " as our visual image .
18 Now she 'd only have to sneeze and the whole damn thing would slide off her shoulders and into a heap on the floor , in which case she might fairly be accused of trying too hard .
19 From the adult point of view , the child has failed to conserve number , apparently failing to appreciate that the spatial rearrangement of a set has no effect on its numerosity .
20 It was bad enough having to admit that the APT train project was a dead duck , but BR shot itself in the foot and provided the cynical national media with a field day by selling off some of the vehicles to a Sheffield scrapyard .
21 I move Lord Mayor and in so doing to say that the controlling group can accept the amendment proposed by the Conservative Group on standing order C six A.
22 The struggle over the succession between Ahidjo and Biya , in spite of its curious circumstances , had only served to emphasize that the succession problem remained alive and unresolved .
23 Enough remained to show that the northern one was at least g by 7. 5 m ( 292 by 242 ft ) , with two rooms of unequal size at the back , while its southern counterpart , of which only the rear 2.5m ( 8 ft ) was recovered , had apparently lain in a walled compound measuring 13 by 6 m ( 42½ by 19½ ft ) .
24 Gradually film production became their main preoccupation , but only Cecil Hepworth became sufficiently involved to continue after the industry had hit its first crisis .
25 But this last is precisely what Mr Lawson has long wanted to do and the Prime Minister absolutely forbidden .
26 " I 'm only authorized to say that the aircraft has been prepared for friday . "
27 The conditions make Cannigione our recommended centre for those who want to develop sailing skills , whether on dinghies or catamarans , perhaps learning to windsurf when the wind drops .
28 Ulimo officials on Aug. 25 professed to be committed to the ECOWAS peace initiative and claimed that their forces were only fighting to ensure that the NPFL abided by the Yamoussoukro agreement .
29 I was much encouraged to find that the most unlikely audiences appreciated modern poetry , and Eliot 's perhaps most , though that was perhaps due to my own advocacy .
30 I do remember saying that we 'd go somewhere quiet so we can talk without any interruptions , and what better place to choose than the house ? ’
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