Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [vb pp] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The gentleman who 'd been in with her would naturally have gone back to his room well before people started stirring . ’
2 He would have liked to give more information , ask someone to research the final days of the tsar ; but he knew that would only have got back to the KGB , and in this game secrecy was the only key he held .
3 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
4 Beside her , however , Alan seemed suddenly to have sunk back into grim-faced absorption .
5 But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned .
6 Possibly , they might not have come back from that either .
7 Pallister recovered from early setbacks when he could so easily have drifted back into Northern League football .
8 He was philosophical , not to say laid back about the inconvenience of being called out unnecessarily at the end of what had already been a long day .
9 This is an interesting passage because Platt B. is effectively saying that an undertaking to pay this excessive charge had been extracted from the clerk before he commenced his search and that he could not honestly have gone back on that undertaking .
10 I have also had three two-hour sessions at the job agency which has the training facility , and , having taken down some scribbled notes and typed them up have gone back over it all to improve my notes , so that I can continue re-reading them till I improve my knowledge .
11 Yet , take an accident like that hair in the gate , put it together with the coincidental gaze of a ghost , and it 's as if Fonda really has come back to life .
12 A ten year old girl who had a heart and lung transplant just four months ago has gone back to school .
13 This had several squares of very heavy , dark grey woollen cloth which Mum told me came from her own great grandmother 's cloak , so presumably could well have dated back to the eighteenth century .
14 He might even have gone back to his own room .
15 ‘ Miers could not take the German prisoners on board his sub , and if he had left them to paddle ashore they would immediately have gone back into the German forces …
16 Had the musician not been married , he would n't have reported back to his boss .
17 You would n't have come back with me anyway .
18 The end came rather suddenly , so I could n't have got back in time to see her , but I flew over as soon as I was free , to see what had to be done .
19 ‘ If that 's the case , the saboteur would n't have walked back to Cartier but up to some vantage point from where he could watch the smash . ’
20 Nobody else has come back from town . ’
21 Seems like somebody else has come back from somewhere too .
22 I 'd never have come back to Liverpool only the firm sent me here to fix something up on the docks twelve months before this lot started , so I was just unlucky . ’
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