Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is an assumption or misunderstanding that can only have arisen from the curious vagaries of the student grants system in Britain .
2 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
3 After that , there was a series of horrific , shaming cameos that could only have come from the unconscious .
4 The Palace believes that information could only have come from the princess 's office .
5 Pictures that could only have come from the Americans or the British , ’ Kragan answered warily .
6 The mother 's offer to cook the lunch may be a reassuring sign of the familiar to her son who may not long have departed from the parental home .
7 Marcus Browning was the hit man … that 's three goals in three games for him … but it was n't enough to save United from a 2-1 deafeat …
8 Coming home at dawn , exploring Dickens 's alleyways and squares , I somehow got separated from the others and went rushing round frantically trying to find them .
9 They thus became excluded from the social networks of employed people which are vital for job-acquisition ( Callender , 1986a ) .
10 Similarly , the sentence-grammarian can not remain immured from the discourse he encounters in his daily life .
11 What actually happened was that she somehow became separated from the others , decided to walk to work and fell in a ditch on her way up the hill .
12 How may Catholics ensure that the Eucharist does not become separated from the salvation it witnesses to in Christ ?
13 It is important that the design process does not become divorced from the end users .
14 However , during late pregnancy and early lactation , such treated ewes will soon become reinfected from the ingestion of overwintered larvae on the pasture .
15 Within the community the question is which site will win the first , and both inside and outside there is the question of ‘ How much of my money will be sacrificed to support the CIT ? ’ — areas of science that have no immediate connection to fusion nevertheless get funded from the same sources , such as the Department of Energy .
16 Perhaps the argumentative Balbindor had been correct in saying I should not have drunk from the waterfall springing from the Other Side .
17 They told the inquiry that if a particularly strong FM transmission was made very near the radio it might be possible for it to pick up the sub-harmonic at around 14 MHz but that such a signal could not have emanated from a low-powered , hand-held type of two-way radio .
18 The DPP statement on June 14 said that the jury in the 1976 trial might not have realised from the scientific evidence provided that the seven could have been innocently contaminated with nitroglycerine , but that " in the light of current scientific knowledge this was a real possibility , however remote " .
19 But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get a result that you could not have predicted from the responses with stationary spots .
20 Our radical objector maintains about what we take to have been the causal circumstance that it might riot have been followed by the smell , and moreover that this would not have resulted from the absence of some further condition .
21 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
22 What about any claims that may come to light in the future , for instance in relation to products that you may already have bought from the company ?
23 Such an ideal does not stand isolated from the practices which strive towards it but interacts with those practices , helps to construct them , and is in turn constructed by them .
24 Elizabeth Schwarzkopf was another " must " even though the ticket cost a " phenomenal amount " to the girl whose own first public appearance had been in a best dress made from the contents of the poor box .
25 ‘ Or do I just get rescued from a fate worse than death ? ’
26 Or is it , is it that they 've become a sort of exclusive club , arising al almost always through the ranks of the of the law , and gradually , gradually got withdrawn from the way that ordinary people think and feel .
27 It is also possible that surface dust is mobilized by electrical forces : indeed , such forces are of great importance to the minority of scientists who believe that very little lava if any has flowed from the lunar interior .
28 This summer , I visited the Art Materials Exhibition and , to my surprise , I learnt more from watching paintings in action than I could ever have learnt from the so-called Teach Yourself books .
29 If tabloids had not existed , and all those who read Labour and Tory tabloids had behaved like those who read no paper regularly ( and depended exclusively on television for their news ) , then Labour would still have benefited from a 2 per cent swing .
30 Finally , if the imbalance between Labour and Tory tabloids had been eliminated — so that equal numbers read Tory and Labour tabloids , then Labour would still have benefited from a 1 per cent swing .
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