Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It holds together in tension the reality of Christ in his Church , but the Christ who is real is not only risen but is crucified as well .
2 is the result of much searching and is deemed as the most suitable for the angler .
3 Hiarc has apparently agreed and is arranging a temporary licence until it changes the name , a move Sparc International would probably insist on since Hiarc wants to move the software to non-Sparc platforms .
4 Language and indeed behaviour generally is necessarily ordered and is represented internally as strategies , schemata are not inherently sequential and thinking can thus be concerned with context before the constraint of achieving is introduced in order to generate an output .
5 The meaning is not explained but is left for the listeners to work out for themselves .
6 The experience is not forgotten but is stored in memory .
7 Each has been individually decorated and is equipped with a colour TV and en suite facilities .
8 The Teleputer is a full card , taking out an eight-bit expansion slot , is easily installed and is supplied with comms software and at an additional cost fax software .
9 The term ‘ inflammatory fibroid polyp ’ is now generally accepted and is regarded as distinct from eosinophilic gastroenteritis and other conditions with which it had been previously confused .
10 Each cylinder head ( ‘ pot ’ ) is individually cleaned and is readied for its own route through the system .
11 : a carrier — person who is not affected but is harbouring pathogens
12 The source of infection may be a person who is incubating an infectious disease , or actually suffering from an infection , or recovering from one , or a carrier who is personally not affected but is harbouring pathogens which can infect others .
13 The church of St Mary the Virgin is not easily found and is approached from Church Lane .
14 The reason for this is not known but is thought to be due to infection by the virus itself .
15 Comment : You may be offering closeness and commonality that 's not reciprocated and is overpowering .
16 Well the the the actual book is already started and is sitting
17 Today , of course , there is a real question-mark over the importance of negotiability when cheques are rarely transferred , and when non trade-related commercial paper is either not issued or is located per-manently in depositories .
18 Perhaps the task in hand is too easily achieved or is pitched at an inappropriate level .
19 In a case where liability is not disputed or is resolved during the course of the case , either by an admission or on a summons for judgment , try and obtain some costs from the defendant .
20 This is spun-bonded polyester fabric which will not decay and is placed in the excavation as a protective layer before the liner is installed .
21 The outdoor sand pit may include many of the activities already described and is dealt with more fully in chapter 9 Outdoor Activities .
22 The case has the hallmarks of a debtor who is unable or unwilling to make a payment , not of a debtor who genuinely thinks or is advised that the amount charged by the solicitors was unreasonable .
23 Shame on the Ordnance Survey for giving it the name of Ingleborough Hill on some of their maps : it is every inch a mountain and , although not the highest in England as was once thought and is overtopped by many others , one of the grandest .
24 ‘ The ground of any action based on negligence is the concurrence of breach of duty and damage , and I can not see how there can be that concurrence unless the duty still exists and is breached when the damage occurs .
25 The ground of any action based on negligence is the concurrence of breach of duty and damage , and I can not see how there can be that concurrence unless the duty still exists and is breached when the damage occurs .
26 The mill still survives and is constructed of stone , with a slate tiled roof .
27 As far as we know , your second-in-command , Neumann , still survives and is hospitalized . ’
28 In its ideal form this is observation carried out in an environment which may or may not be a natural one , but even if it is natural a situation has been deliberately created and is observed unbeknownst to the actors .
29 Following Jacques 's discussions with LEAs the financial position gradually improved and is summarised below :
30 It 's simply an activity which has been a little overestimated and is regarded as something of major importance .
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