Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I understand the definition of a bar is somewhere used principally for the consumption of alcoholic beverages .
2 Such ensembles were not merely gathered together for the occasional ballet ; there were , in fact , three standing oboe bands at court , or , more accurately , three ensembles whose members played the oboe much of the time .
3 Then another gap , just six months , before he got a barmaid from Ipswich who 'd been visiting her granny and was daft enough to wait alone for the late bus .
4 B : You 'd better make straight for the bank , otherwise you 'll be too late .
5 Mind you , I suspect she 'll only stay ashore for a couple of hours , but that 's better than nothing at all . ’
6 You only lived here for a couple of years . ’
7 ‘ Even if he only lived here for a few years when he was small , I wanted him to know something of his roots , to be aware of his background . ’
8 Such is the experience of most of us when we go to bed late : we might sleep slightly later than usual but rarely long enough to compensate completely for the late night .
9 The Channel Tunnel is to be built using the grand Chantier , or large scale works , procedure hitherto used only for the construction of nuclear power stations .
10 ‘ How can she have deteriorated so seriously in such a short time , when she only came here for a check-up ? ’
11 and people all turned sideways for the tourists ,
12 ‘ We 're only going away for a weekend , for heaven 's sake !
13 Cos we 're only going away for a weekend then are n't we ?
14 We could not sensibly plan ahead for a doomsday-type catastrophe .
15 ‘ They were apparently going away for a long weekend vacation .
16 For the trio to collect two gold medals and one silver was an unprecedented Scottish haul on the world stage which can only augur well for the highlight of this year 's outdoor season — the World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart .
17 The welcome he received on the factory tour obviously boded well for the by-election as ten days later both candidates were elected .
18 I 'm only speaking now for the welfare of other fighters .
19 Just think of how many people will walk past and subconsciously absorb your band 's name on a sticker which is on a high street lamp post , even if it only stays there for a couple of days .
20 Probably the most pleasing aspect is the number of families now taking an active part in the rally scene , as this can only bode well for the future of metal detecting in this country .
21 I kept the boost up as long as I could ; then , when I felt it start to go , relaxed , and went back to merely running fast for a while .
22 ‘ I think you 'd better rest here for a while , ’ she followed him out of the kitchen and into the sitting-room to tell him .
23 She and had obviously gone away for the weekend .
24 It will be a non-title clash , but if Owens is successful then he will obviously press hard for a title chance .
25 The City is no longer confident enough to pay blithely for a new trading system being developed by consultants at Arthur Andersen .
26 It was all-embracing and claimed that it alone spoke authoritatively for the people .
27 Patients were then treated with 120 mg tripotassium dicitratobismuthate ( DeNol , Brocades , Weybridge , Surrey , UK ) four times daily for one month , 400 mg metronidazole three times daily , and 500 mg tetracycline four times daily taken concurrently for the first two weeks of treatment .
28 Pilger told him they had better get together for a serious talk the minute he got off the plane .
29 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
30 She says that considering he 's only lived here for a short while , it 's fantastic the way people are celebrating his success .
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