Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a letter to his clients ( 3 ) , Mr Popham describes Newport Borough Council as ‘ effectively judge and jury in its own court ’ .
2 Every town in Iceland has a swimming pool , usually geothermally heated and part of social normality .
3 Bernard , if we have any time to spare , better to stand and gaze at the name of the very street we live in , ‘ Mafeking ’ , and contemplate its significance .
4 UNDERSTANDABLY there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the demise of West Malling ( West Malling Lament , October issue , et al ) but I am amazed that the people most affected by its loss made no attempt to save it from destruction .
5 His first and most spectacular project in this period was the new Antrim coast road of 1832–7 , which involved much blasting and tunnelling in the cliffs between Larne and Ballycastle .
6 Now it seems to me in some respects the gulf is pretty wide and therefore can only do that if Noble Lords are good enough to try and sort of meet the divide .
7 Much wheezing and tightness in the centre of the chest .
8 At Middlesbrough the high spot is a rarely more than an ‘ eee aye oh , eee aye oh , eee aye oh ’ accompanied by much bobbing and swaying of arms .
9 When the King asked what was to be done , ‘ all the said councillors and every of them by himself , adviseth , counselleth and prayeth that not only process but execution of justice be also had …
10 So poaching and over-utilisation of the forests and conservation areas began in earnest .
11 When both partners work to make life more delightful , a marriage is constantly revitalised and thoughts of straying are n't likely to arise .
12 However , some of the newer camcorders apply automatic correction for backlight without the need for any button-pushing , so tilts or pans into backlight can be successfully undertaken without spoiling the shot .
13 ‘ No good ever came out of Catgut Alley , that 's for sure , ’ said Aunt Clarabel as she sat him down to fish and chips for lunch .
14 ‘ Better Leisure ’ offers gently exercise and relaxation for men and women of 50–plus .
15 Up at these dizzy heights the aerodynamic damping is much reduced and margins for airframe and engine are tighter , so both must be handled with care .
16 It would seem to stand more peacefully now when considering that there used to be much bustle and slamming of doors , the shouts and cries of a houseful of children and the ailing Reverend Tennyson .
17 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
18 Seeming to be merely speckles and punctures at first , actually they were tall as the highest trees .
19 The wheel and associated machinery has long gone but remnants of the mill race can still be traced under the drive .
20 Today the horny-hatted warriors are long gone and shipbuilding in Scandinavia is in the doldrums .
21 Hierarchy is not necessarily involved but individuals of opposite sex or different age status can never be socially identical except by some cultural contrivance as when the King of England is a Queen !
22 These problems were never entirely overcome and fluctuations of enthusiasm in the use of the economic boycott/free-produce tactic depended on temporary external factors rather than permanent solutions to the difficulties .
23 Pat Kennedy has given us much help and guidance in the past and we look forward to working closely with her in the future .
24 In many cases , the anthers at the centre of each blossom are highly coloured or contrast with the petal colour to add to the attractiveness of the flower .
25 These covenants may be : ( a ) absolute — where the tenant agrees not to assign or sublet at all ; or ( b ) qualified — where the tenant may only assign or sublet with the consent of the landlord ; or ( c ) fully qualified — as in ( b ) but the landlord may not withhold consent unreasonably .
26 Gain and loss are to be construed as extending only to gain or loss in money or other property , but as extending to any such gain or loss whether temporary or permanent ; and ( i ) " gain " includes a gain by keeping what one has , as well as a gain by getting what one has not ; and
27 An innkeeper , as we have seen , is under a duty to provide reasonable refreshment if so required and accommodation to a traveller ; hence , the innkeeper has a right of lien over a traveller 's property as well as over a guests ' to ensure that the traveller 's bill is duly paid .
28 ‘ The plants are sometimes wrongly labelled and boxes of mixed plants have been known to come up all the same colour . ’
29 This is rarely done but consistency in outcome is important for dealing with social casualties who may need services at any time .
30 The difference being , of course , that in those days the phenomenon of semi-literacy did not exist and readers of Disraeli 's or Thackeray 's novels would neither mistake them for the real world , nor read them to the exclusion of all real political texts .
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