Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This summer , a flock of 31 birds ( including some European flamingos — Phoenicopterus ruber rosus ) successfully raised four chicks at the site , thereby allowing it to be designated as the world 's most northerly wild flamingo colony .
2 This led him to assert that , in spite of ‘ the gross and grievous abominations ’ of Rome , ‘ yet touching those main parts of Christian truth wherein they constantly still persist , we gladly acknowledge them to be the family of Jesus Christ ’ .
3 By lowering the height of the wall , and thereby enabling it to be built more thickly , it could be made more effective in both defence and counter-attack .
4 The make you , sort of what were doing when making another member of staff , so there 's a going on full time having free coffee like Dinda did , much change it to be , but I mean it 's just there for free , all day every day , she 's now ten penny piece in , they get a card , get a little pin pricked on , every time they used it up to twenty they get twenty cups of coffee on its card
5 It goes without saying that the strap loops must be large enough to enable them to be cast off the hands quickly in any emergency .
6 Clearly , parents generally must welcome the news that cuddling is not only nice but necessary ; perhaps , however , we should spare a compassionate thought once more for the intellectual mothers of the thirties , whose sufferings as they tried to be ‘ good ’ mothers are now repeated in the knowledge that all their efforts only led them to be ‘ bad ’ mothers : as one of our correspondents added , ‘ Here is Bowlby , still out to make us feel guilty — about our rejection of the children we loved but were not allowed to love . ’
7 ‘ Then I 'm going to The Casbah , so expect me to be late . ’
8 I only want us to be together , always . ’
9 They 're very pleased at that because I mean they obviously found it to be useful , erm we proved it to be useful and it 's nice to see them all taking on this responsibility now , now and doing it , because that 's all progress .
10 This would solve the problem choosing a new amp and getting to a gig only to find it to be a wimp .
11 I very much want him to be present at Kassel : he is a major artist ’ .
12 ‘ One would naturally expect him to be well fed . ’
13 The armed forces apparently believed them to be carrying an order for King Bhumibol Adulyadej to sign dismissing Gen. Sunthorn Kongsompong as Armed Forces Supreme Commander .
14 There are occasional arrivals of odd specimens of Fairy Basslets which are not easily identified , and some , as in the case of Pseudanthias pulcherimus from the western Indian Ocean have male and female forms different enough to cause them to be frequently treated as separate species .
15 Amazingly , the film takes on instant depth the minute it touches ‘ American ’ soil , suggesting something very like moral ambiguity as Columbus suddenly turns into the hard-arsed imperialist we now fondly imagine him to be .
16 At the same time the kairos approach apparently allows it to be said that the past has not been at fault ; it is simply that God moves with humanity into a new age .
17 She was of mature years , and he rightly guessed her to be Mrs Heatherton .
18 No chair , I would very much like it to be looked at in great detail by the budget review committee , actually , you 'll see in the report that many of these problems were identified as areas of concern by the district auditor prior to the signing of the contract , and he was given , it seems , various assurances which may or may not have been met , and I would like to go into much more detail than would be possible with this committee .
19 ‘ The guy would obviously like you to be Senhora Haraldsen , ’ he said .
20 The Alexander Technique , which is a way of allowing the body and mind to work together in order to avoid muscular tension , has constantly helped me to be calmer in stressful situations .
21 The latter is the usual pattern and I only know it to be his as the items came from the family .
22 As an absolute last resort , rather than manhandle a horse and make it more fearful , and so teach it to be always difficult in a similar situation , it is better to tranquillise the horse .
23 The fact that you have edited the school magazine does n't necessarily fit you to be an advertising writer , even though a feeling of familiarity with words is a good thing .
24 I not only feel it to be the most relevant magazine to the industry I work in — the consumer finance sector — but have also found the appointments section excellent , especially as I secured new employment through it after being made redundant .
25 Did the producer , perhaps feel it to be in poor taste ?
26 From the available information , we can not tell how many of the 1160 deaths in 1986 belong to the 1946 cohort so we can only estimate it to be 1160÷2 = 580 and assume that another 580 of the 1946 cohort will die in 1987 .
27 Finally , care has been taken to keep the stories short and simple enough to allow them to be read at normal first-language speed .
28 ‘ An ’ the bastard even went on to confirm that the bombs are set on time fuses , just sufficient to allow him an' his staff to escape , but not enough to allow them to be de-activated , or to evacuate the ordinary members from the building … an' most of them are just kids . ’
29 It is important to note that the criteria range must not have any blank rows so reset it to be just a single row before giving the new Extract command .
30 ‘ This led to a tightening up of the law and Knowsley 's environmental health and trading standards officers will continue to monitor the sale of food in the borough to ensure that it is as safe as the public rightly expects it to be . ’
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