Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Mnchener is suing Atlantic Richfield for nearly $150m , alleging that the company knew that the products the unit was developing would never be commercially viable , and according to the Wall Street Journal citing electronic mail messages , one of which says that as it appears the development ‘ is a pipe dream , let Siemens have the pipe , ’ and another that says ‘ We will attempt to finesse past Siemens the fact that we have had a great deal of trouble in successfully transitioning technology from the laboratory to the factory ’ ; Atlantic Richfield denies attempting to mislead Siemens over the unit .
2 has since received sponsorship from the Ipswich Grain Terminal to help with her work .
3 Many pilots plan on the basis that they have only to lose height from the final turn to the DH during the total inbound time .
4 As far as housing is concerned , focusing attention on the disruptive social effects of the newcomers alone diverts attention from the fact that rural housing is not only a matter of ( increasing ) demand , but of supply and need .
5 Long enough to gather fertility from the winters of dead leaves , the rotting vegetation and the passage of cats , birds and dogs , shrews and voles , caterpillars and slugs .
6 At the end of Fifth Year , students take the Diploma in Architecture , and so gain exemption from the RIBA Examination , Part 2 ; the Diploma is also taken as a two-year course by students who have obtained a first degree in architecture elsewhere in Britain .
7 Although successful , Zarei has only received sponsorship from the sports centre where he swims , and recently from the American company Alena , which provides energy bars and drinks , but it was the state of his shoes which drew attention at Gateshead .
8 In addition the fact that it had to be paid in cash meant that the farmers had to sell their crop to the grain-dealer and then often enough borrow money from the money lender .
9 All too frequently Nizan 's highly publicised resignation from the PCF in September 1939 is interpreted by contemporary liberal critics imbued with a visceral hostility to communism as the visible sign that his allegiance to the party was flawed from the beginning .
10 Blake 's work for MI6 included not only gathering intelligence from the Russians but tracking down and watching Communist spies sent over into the West .
11 A senior member of the Donegal executive of the Irish Farmers Association told farmers that they should only buy diesel from a legitimate source .
12 Exeter would act as principal negotiator with the other health authorities and the county social services department , and with the other health authorities , loaning some of its own senior managers to the latter agencies in order to ensure that they implemented change , so guaranteeing withdrawal from the big hospitals .
13 Ironically this transformation was in no small degree the consequence of the increasing technicality of the law to which the clerical judges themselves had so fertilely contributed by their advice , judgements and writings ; it had now become necessary to recruit judges from those who had served their apprenticeship pleading in the courts and had perhaps sought instruction from the law lectures and books which were then being provided .
14 Because Britain is largely self-sufficient in its main sources of energy , the Government can perhaps claim immunity from the charge that it is exploiting deliveries from oil-exporting states to swell national tax coffers .
15 They described themselves as rusyny , a term which merely indicated descent from the inhabitants of the medieval principality of Rus ' .
16 Even as civil society endlessly displaces corruption from the social body as a whole on to its low life , the latter reveals both the original source and full extent of corruption within the dominant itself ( pp. 16 , 174 ) .
17 A major technical worry about the PWR design was what would happen if a leak should occur in the high-pressure water-cooling circuit which constantly withdraws heat from the reactor core .
18 Design really only takes place from the conception of an idea through to when it can be seen as a fully developed and workable solution .
19 In most cases , working on the legs and thighs alone shifts cellulite from the surrounding areas because lymphatic drainage is very much increased all-round .
20 When I tried embroidery I was ashamed that I could only produce ugliness from the beautiful silks .
21 Although the degree of compression is not enough to allow retrieval from a compact disc , using a fast magnetic hard disc , reasonable full screen full motion video can be achieved .
22 In a similar vein , Geis ( 1978 : 281 ) writes that ‘ the heavy electrical equipment price-fixing conspiracy alone involved theft from the American people of more money than was stolen in all of the country 's robberies , burglaries , and larcenies during the years in which the price fixing occurred ’ .
23 The other characters were a sold-out leftie academic ( who drew much knowing laughter from the first-night audience ) , a right-wing academic , a military automaton , and an Amstrad word-processor which enigmatically took the floor in a central scene .
24 Will he also point out to those advocating such a foolish policy that they are merely diverting attention from the villainous crimes of the terrorists and , perhaps more importantly , from the enormous successes of the security forces and thus undermining confidence in the rule of law ?
25 Everything — ; right down to scrap paper from the waste baskets .
26 Its Toraja driver had left the job to the attendants , and had sat down at our warong for a meal , when I witnessed a carelessly tossed cigarette-butt from a passing cyclist ignite the concrete floor surrounding the pump and the petrol-truck with flickering blue flames , like those on a Christmas pudding .
27 The reported occurrence of minor drug related symptoms — that is , not severe enough to warrant withdrawal from the study ) , was similar in each group ( Table III ) .
28 The Sox do not merely snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ; they reach right down the oesophagus to retrieve it .
29 The second alternative poses a serious problem , however , insofar as it leads to the further question , how could such Marxism not be true — in the sense of how could History , in the objective processes on which a scientific Marxism places so much faith , be undialectical enough to produce Stalinism from the October Revolution ?
30 Apartments No.3 and No.4 detailed below have access from the main hall of the villa now transformed into a games room with billiard and card tables .
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