Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Repton is a case in point , and perhaps Mansbridge would have done better to omit works such as Repton 's Sarsden in Oxfordshire that has nothing to do with Nash except for stylistic associations .
2 For the FA Cup Finalists to go down Sunderland would have to lose their last three matches , with Oxford winning their final game at Tranmere and making up for their inferior goal difference , Plymouth and Newcastle also winning , and Grimsby getting at least a draw .
3 Twenty-five percent of the respondents would have found it very easy to attend , 61% would have found it fairly easy , while only 14% would have found it difficult to attend .
4 Perhaps Lucy would have melted weakly into his bony arms had not an expression of dismay and incredulity come over his face .
5 So Willie would have to wait until the 1992–93 season to play with Rovigo .
6 Well , in Brixton they might , but only Lloyd would have had a tenor saxophone painted in gold on its bonnet .
7 For his distraught family , only hanging would have avenged the death of the father of four .
8 So farmers would have to use this against sheep scab and they 've have to use other dips or sprays against fly strike in the sum sum summer .
9 Only cynics would have called him stick-in-the-mud or sneered at him being ‘ worthy ’ .
10 I have no funds to be able to pay for such material , so people would have to realise that no payment could be made — their only reward would be possibly seeing their work in print .
11 Estate cottages had to be modernized , and the school had to have all the lead and asbestos extracted so Portakabins would have to go up .
12 Had the advance been sustained , perhaps Catalonia would have fallen quickly ; instead Franco — possibly , in the tense international atmosphere of mid-1938 , fearing actual French intervention were he to approach the French frontier — turned south towards Valencia , only to find his offensive halted by Republican resistance .
13 So Dawn would have to fly off a little , giving in to the force of the wind , and then come back .
14 Ed was just like a one off and I 'm not forward any more at all and , you know , everyone thinks I am you know and Pete thought right I 'm in for a good time here , you know , I can probably get her you know , and so Charlie would have to carry out his part .
15 Normally Baccy would have come in closer but the wind was onshore and the storm could n't be more than an hour away .
16 Normally Artemis would have responded by kicking on and flying the raspers behind the leading group , for to her way of thinking there was no feeling like it in the world .
17 Normally Joe would have let Michael have his head , he was a good businessman , but this latest flouting of the rules had angered him .
18 Neither Long not Chamberlain would have made great changes in the party , and the election of either would not have seemed to signify a great change .
19 Normally Sally-Anne would have rejected such molly-coddling , but she did feel dreadfully cold , and said so to Dr Neil who said quietly , ‘ It is the usual consequence of shock , McAllister , and for some reason you were suddenly very shocked .
20 Whether or not Henry would have kept his promise if she had remained so is an open question , but it is clear that once he had also acquired Aquitaine he would never relax his grip on the territories which served as the vital bridge connecting his mother 's lands in the north and his wife 's lands in the south .
21 In Britain similarly parties would have to give careful attention to the locality factor .
22 Probably Tolkien would have accepted the thesis ( not unfamiliar to medievalists ) that all great works of fiction should contain a kernel scene or a ‘ lyric core ’ : to use the terminology of Marie de France , whose ‘ Breton lays ’ Tolkien imitated in ‘ Aotrou and Itroun ’ , 1945 , every conte or story comes from a lai or song .
23 So in conclusion adoption of the M R C follow up follow up policy would have resulted in targeting of cystoscopic follow up to higher risk group patients , a two percent increase in the cystoscopic resources required and delayed diagnosis of tumour progression in one patient , and as I 've said I I think that G three P T one tumours should be excluded from er this type of protocol .
24 Sooner or later Isambard would have to loose his hold of him .
25 By now Dot would have had her dab with the damp corner of a towel at the sink on the landing .
26 Now Angel would have to substitute for Lorenzo .
27 Inevitably scribes would have corrected what they perceived to be ‘ mistakes ’ and undoubtedly the story would also have been embellished on occasion .
28 Now Sally would have to sort out my mistakes amidst a tangle of runners and bulging sacks .
29 For , while her pride was up in arms that plainly Ven would have preferred to take someone else out to dinner — had that ‘ someone else ’ been free — what was really getting to Fabia was nothing but common-or-garden , out-and-out jealousy .
30 Not so many years ago parents would have thought nothing of their children walking two or three miles to school in the morning and back again in the afternoon .
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