Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So Fernando had informed them she would be here ; that sounded encouraging .
2 Only Spurs have beaten them in their last nine visits to the capital .
3 Perhaps racism has conditioned us to a greater extent than we expected .
4 Perhaps Nour had burdened her with noisy , tearing girls who had shattered the afternoon calm with screams of merriment and wild gestures , or frenzied weeping .
5 You 're a good enough driver to have made it look like an accident . ’
6 Only DEC has adopted it and was rumoured to be lobbying for its continued development within the framework of the consortium .
7 Naturally Richard had asked her where I was and when , realizing what she had done , she said I was at her flat , he had telephoned Jack and discovered this was untrue .
8 Only Tranmere have beaten them in the league this year .
9 Only Babylonia has given us a story so close to Genesis that the question of borrowing or of direct influence is seriously considered .
10 Er , if only Darwin had opened it , Darwin would have saved himself an , all , load of old trouble .
11 he could wander rou , if only Joey had let me do more
12 So IMP have given you the push , have they ?
13 When I mention the Heavenly EP to Right Said Fred it turns out that only Fred has heard it , so I play it to them .
14 He had threatened to do it for some time , but only Hank had taken him seriously and tried to dissuade him .
15 Apparently Ainley had told them he would try to force-land on a beach just after they flew near some naval ships .
16 Obviously Wednesday have let it out .
17 Perhaps Lou had told him the monstrous lie that I did n't love him any more ?
18 So Maureen had known him all that time .
19 Perhaps God has sent me to help you . ’
20 And apparently Brian has suggested I move in with them .
21 But perhaps Stuart had warned her .
22 Only Barry has persuaded us to play .
23 Or so Zaria had assured me .
24 Mortimer had ordered that they reach the cemetery by eleven — one hour before the ceremony would start , or so Dubois had told them before he had returned to his own hounfort .
25 Perhaps Coconut 's got it , ’ Perkin suggested languidly .
26 Now I have I 've asked Dennis and Chris 's insisted that he deals with it so Chris has taken it over , and Dennis is getting back to Chris with the stockpiles of how much is ten weeks old , eleven you know so so you
27 So Hayman had betrayed him , sent the liquidators in .
28 I had really been rather lumpish and dull during the drive from Fez : perhaps Flora had thought I had n't wanted her with us ?
29 So Emma 's given me his present to drop round , ha
30 Perhaps Signe had told him that we had made love .
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