Example sentences of "[adv] [unc] i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah so er I 'll give him notes this time I think , and let him put the meat on the bone
2 Yeah the Second World War , right , so er I can tell you now that in actual fact there 's no structural change during the thirties here but there is structural change during the war .
3 I used to go and fetch the , the butter from do n't bring margarine my father used to say we put better stuff on our machines so er I used to go to for my father kept foul , I used to fetch a peck of , bushel of this and a bushel of , you know all the various things that , bran and stuff for the foul yes , yes and I believe a lady , she has , she 's only recently died and but she kept it for a long long while Elsie her name was .
4 So erm I might have to go to Peterborough yet on that day and get myself kitted out .
5 I 'll be erm I 'll be absolutely I 'm sorry but the dreaded lurgy so erm I 'll do my best .
6 I do realize out of time this so erm I 'd like to just g erm go through the profit loss for one year quite quickly .
7 So erm I can give you more detailed figures on these er if you wish .
8 Yeah so erm I can start it
9 I do n't see it that way at all but if they 're right er I 'd defend your invitation and my acceptance by quoting the old idiom , better the devil you know .
10 I mentioned culture briefly earlier on er I 'd like to define that a little bit better by saying we want a user sitting down in any part of the world to be able to use the product which we develop and feel that it is an accounting application developed for their world and their market place .
11 I think we could all do what Andrew 's suggesting quite easily er I could do it for Geography , erm , I just think it 's making a lot of extra work .
12 And finally erm I 'd like to emphasize that the case for relief roads in in and around Harrogate and Knaresborough is not development led .
13 Generally erm I would like to speak .
14 Right erm I 'll keep those .
15 Right erm I shall have to get Muriel some change actually .
16 You di , straight o I 'll demonstrate .
17 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
18 Er to that end now er I would like to hand you over to progressively to my colleagues .
19 Er on Monday the Edinburgh holiday , now er I 'll need for the Birmingham , will we need an extra coach for that ?
20 Now er I 'd like to move on about , to wha erm talk about what you do in your leisure time .
21 Now er I could make a point here that when they introduced one man operated buses , they thought they were on to a new thing but one man operated buses were in this town before the war .
22 But you know we have to look beyond the first year or two , we have to look at what 's going to happen to that school over a much longer period of time , and quite frankly erm I would feel safer with erm what was called the big brother of the Local Authority .
23 You also said you played squash regularly erm there was a chap David you mentioned that er you play quite regularly er I 'd like to get in touch with him as well if I could .
24 Well er I would think erm
25 Well er I 'd like I 'd still like time to er think about it you know .
26 Please Er I 'll call you next , yes ?
27 No I did n't th I should imagine , I thought he said you did n't , I would imagine he gets paid at the end of the month .
28 Well erm I 'll tell you what it is we , we actually build our business by word of mouth and it er these sort of introductions means that we rarely advertise erm and the money saved can be used to benefit policy holders such as yourself which sometimes means that it can reduce charges and erm increase bonuses wherever possible .
29 Cos I did a weekend and so she said well erm I 'll tell you what Ann she said , I 'll give you a cheque myself she said cos you , you 'll I 'll pay you the same as
30 Well erm I 'll give you the er little chart here .
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